I couldn't drink water when I started wearing the patches

"Start now.

Start where you are.

Start with fear.

Start with pain.

Start with doubt.

Start with your hands shaking.

Just start."


A year ago I couldn’t drink water.

For three years prior I had not been able to drink liquids at all.

If I had even a quarter of a teaspoon of liquid I would be on the verge of going to the hospital for 4 days.

So I didn’t drink anything for about three and a half years.

I got all of my hydration (and nutrition) from three small amounts of cream of wheat and a few slices of zucchini per day. I thickened my raw milk with fiber so that it wouldn’t make me sick.

The thirst was unimaginable. So was the longing for any normal meal.

When I started wearing the patches the directions said “Stay hydrated.”

I hoped for the best and I started wearing the patches anyway, even though “staying hydrated” was one of my biggest challenges.

I prayed the patches would work, even though I was not properly hydrated.

I started where I was.

With fear.

With pain.

With my hands shaking.

It took a full year of wearing the patches until I was able to tolerate plain water. At the eight month mark I had a little success, but it was very small. It took four more months of trying and failing and waiting. And then I was able to drink again.

I still mix some things into my water, (a little juice and fiber) because that’s how I prefer it, but I am so deeply grateful for being able to drink liquids again.

This is the sort of crazy stuff that the patches can help with.

So if you have a crazy, unimaginably weird issue, I can relate.

And I can tell you with surety that these patches can help with the things you never thought could get better.

I’m living proof.

Be willing to try something new.

Even if you’re afraid and feel terribly unprepared.

It might make all the difference.

I love these patches SO much. I offer them to you, for your own healing.

Reach out. Let’s talk.

(A patching note: I wear three patches per day. I wear the X39, for stem cell regeneration. I wear the X49 for bone and muscle and hair growth. I wear Aeon for reducing inflammation and stress in my body.

The X49 patch also has research behind it regarding gut lining repair. Long-term, this particular patch may repair the gut lining, in addition to helping support muscle and bone growth. This patch may be playing a prominent role in my gut health, and may be part of the reason I can drink liquids again. I started wearing that patch in December 2023, adding it to the X39, which I started wearing in June 2023.)

Dramatically improved eyesight on the X39 patch

I have experienced dramatically improved vision using the X39 stem cell regeneration patch!

I have never had my vision prescription improve in over 35 years.

About 3 months after I started wearing the X39 stem cell regeneration patch I noticed a very significant change in my eyesight.

My yearly visit was still 8 months away, and I decided to wait to get my eyes checked.

On Friday I went in for my yearly exam and the doctor said that my vision had “dramatically improved”, especially in my left eye.

I went from a -3.75 to a -2.75. A whole step down in my prescription!

When she gave me the right contacts to put in my eyes, I could see SO MUCH better!

Friends, this is the sort of thing that stem cell regeneration can do, with the X39 patches. These patches support your body to heal from the inside out.

The changes don’t happen overnight, but over many months and years.

I am 11 months in, but I started noticing vision shifts after 3 months.

If you want to support your body from the inside out, and get your own stem cells regenerated, reach out!

These patches have absolutely changed my life! WOW!!

LifeWave patches for edema

This is a before and after photo of my mother-in-law’s legs. She had been wearing the patches 4 months when the “after” photo was taken. She wears X39, X49, Aeon and SP6 daily. She has had incredible results with the patches!

LifeWave Patches Can Be Stuck To Your Clothing

This is how you use a patch to help with a headache on the top of your head!

I had a headache this morning and this is the first time I used a patch on the outside of my clothing. It worked great!

The patches are activated within 4 inches of your body, so you don’t have to stick them directly in your body if you don’t want to.

Some people have sensory issues, so sticking a patch directly on their body doesn’t feel good. They can just stick the patch on their clothing instead!

Fall weather can bring all sorts of headaches and body aches with it. These patches could bring you relief in a non-invasive way!

LifeWave Patches For Headaches

Today was a headache-y sort of day in the West household (Was it the weather? Humidity? Barometric pressure? Stress? Hormones? Who knows!) I put an x39 patch on my forehead and Trav put an Aeon patch on his forehead. We both had relief from our headaches/mental fatigue/brain fog.

We aim to experiment on ourselves so that we can share with you what we find helpful.

If you get headaches, these patches might help! There are a few different types of LifeWave patches that you could experiment with and see what works for you.

Hormone Balancing With LifeWave Patches

Hormone balancing using LifeWave patches!

I know you ladies out there will appreciate this!

You can place a patch on this point on the right ankle to help with hormone balancing.

Today was the second day of my cycle and the hormones felt pretty intense. I placed an Aeon patch on this spot and definitely felt relief from the intensity. I could have used an x39 as well.

These patches are amazing! There is a 30-day money back guarantee, so if you try them and don’t like them, you get a full refund! It’s a low-risk way to see if they could help you regain your vitality!

X39 Patch For Upset Stomach

Trav’s X39 patch success story from yesterday:

Travis had dinner at a potluck last night and his stomach was “super gurgly” afterward.

He wasn’t sure if the gurgly stomach was going to become something more. It wasn’t painful, but it was uncomfortable.

He took his x39 patch off of his shoulder (where he usually wears it), and placed it on his stomach. In less than a minute, the gurgling and discomfort completely stopped. It did not come back. He had a bit of gurgling when he removed the patch to go to bed, but nothing major.

We continue to be surprised at how the x39 patches work so quickly, and in such a wide variety of ailments!

I have seen the increase in health that they have brought us and others, and it has been really incredible so far!

Photo of Trav with one of our awesome nephews.

Allergy Relief Using The X39 Patch

Relieve allergies with the x39 patch!

I had some sinus issues come on strong this afternoon, so I placed a patch over my sinuses. Within 5 minutes, my sinus irritation was gone.

I find these patches to be *so* helpful for sinus relief and headache relief. I use an x39 or an Aeon patch (whatever one I want to relocate from a different part of my body, and stick on my face).

Be a trend-setter! Try sticking a patch on your face for allergy relief! No drowsiness. No pills. Just an awesome little patch!

Easiest Thing I've Ever Done For My Health

“When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this—you haven’t.” Thomas Edison

We have been wearing the X39 patch for four months now and we both have seen incredible results in this short amount of time. Greatly reduced anxiety and depression, much better sleep, way less aches and pains in joints, relief of digestive cramping and menstrual cramping, relief of headaches, relief of severe constipation, relief of strains and sprains, greater collagen production (strong, long nails), and more!

If you feel that you have exhausted all of the possibilities for healing your body, remember this—you haven’t! The technology in the X39 patch is based on light therapy, and it is helping people all over the globe to reclaim their health and wellbeing.

I said to Travis yesterday, "This is the easiest thing I have ever done for my body and I have seen so many benefits in just four months! I literally stick a patch on my body in the morning and forget about it." That is it. No medications. No appointments. No invasive protocols. No discomfort!

It might do great things for you, too!

X39 Patch As An Answer To Prayer

For twenty years, this was my prayer:

“Please let my recovery be for all people.”

I had no idea how my healing could be for everyone, but I kept praying and asking for this, even though the prayer felt far beyond what was possible.

Deep down I just knew that my health journey was not in vain. I knew that something bigger than I could imagine was behind it all.

Yet how could someone else—anyone else—become well from the particular thing that would help me become well?

In faith, I kept praying this exact prayer.

The answer I kept getting was “light”, or “let the light come through you”.

Fast forward to summer 2023. I had been incredibly sick for twenty years.

My friend Cindy called me and said that she had been using a patch that was based on light therapy, and thought it might help me. I learned that the patch reflected the body’s own infrared light waves back into the body, leading to biochemical and bioelectrical shifts in the body.

This patch had helped my friend (who had very different health concerns than me) feel better. The testimonials she shared with me about other people’s experience with the patch was mind-blowing.

I shared with her the prayer that I had been praying for so long, the prayer that the thing that would help me feel better would be a blessing to everyone, and that it had something to do with light.

We both got goosebumps.

Could this light therapy patch help not only me, but everyone, feel better?

I was going to find out!!

A few days later, I got the patches in the mail. I held one up to my aching thyroid. Relief. I held it up to my aching head. Relief.

Tears streamed down my face.

Could this BE?


I sat for a very long time, holding the past 20 years of debilitating illness, together with the unending hope of restoration, and now with a possible answer.

I had tried so much.

I was so weary of the journey.

Travis was so weary of the journey.

I remembered the words I had received for years in prayer, “Let the light come through you”, as the tears continued to come.

To let hope be born again in me, after so many years of dashed hopes, felt very vulnerable. But I had no choice. I opened up to the possibility of something bigger than myself.

For the past four months I have been using the X39 patch and have experienced incredible results.

Now I must say that I have the most sensitive constitution of *anyone* I know, so my response to the patches has been very pronounced and very significant. Many people feel subtle shifts, and over a longer period of time, but some of us feel the improvements right away. This is important to keep in mind if you choose to use the patch in your wellness routine.

Either way, the x39 patch helps a variety of people, with a variety of concerns, to optimize their health and feel vibrant again.

This is my LifeWave x39 light therapy patch journey. It is not just for me. It is for you, too.

I believe that light will bring healing to us all.

Now I am in the light therapy business, and I sell these patches. I believe that most anyone can benefit from the wellness technology that I offer.

Reach out to me if you would like to try the patches for yourself. It just might be the answer you’ve been looking for.

With love,


X39 Can Help With Depression

A blog post from Travis:

Back in 2018 I completed my PhD at a university in Amsterdam, a process that took 5 years alongside teaching full-time in the *other* Holland. It was the culmination of a dream planted in me 13 years earlier in my first Hebrew class in the Fall of ‘05. I expected to be relieved and elated. Instead, I entered a long season of mild depression, heightened anxiety, and persistent fatigue.

At first I called it my post-dissertation depression, with a light-heartedness that covered for my fear that it wouldn't go away. I didn’t sleep great, had a hard time getting out of bed most days (snoozed a lot), felt disconnected from my work, broke out in a cold sweat whenever I opened my email, was generally more critical and less playful, often felt overwhelmed internally, withdrew from social interactions—especially when I didn’t know people that well. I got my work done, and often found some enjoyment from it. But I carried a heavy burden internally that I didn’t understand.

I processed it a lot with my spiritual director. I listened to it, tried to befriend it and learn from it. Which I did. And it persisted. It would ebb and flow in intensity, but it was always present to me, whether or not it was visible to others.

Sometime this past June, Mariah and I began exploring the x39 and other patches from LifeWave. I didn’t notice many changes over the first month, to be honest. But then sometime in late July I began to realize that I was sleeping better, wasn’t hitting snooze at all when the alarm went off (regardless of how many hours I slept), woke up quicker, felt more connected to my work, was more enthusiastic about life and less stressed and overwhelmed. I reconnected with my playfulness. I started playing basketball again after several years off.

Over the last couple of months I’ve felt like a new person, like I received my life back from myself; like I’d put it in a locker and forgotten about it for 5 years, then stumbled on the note where I scribbled the padlock code.

I’m not really a rah rah kind of advocate for things, but I do believe in the research behind the patches, and the results we’ve experienced from them over the past 3 months or so, especially when accompanied by other beneficial life practices (like Sabbath and spiritual direction, for example).

If you or someone you know struggles with restorative sleep, or feels a general kind of blandness or malaise they can’t explain, or has a vague notion they’re only living part of their life and they’d like to find a way to increase their vitality, these patches might be able to help. I can’t promise they will. But I can say that I was mildly depressed for several years, and I’m not anymore. And for that I’m really thankful.


The title of this artwork is “Relief”.

Three weeks after I started wearing the x39 patch I had what felt like a break through moment. I felt a relief in my body that I had not felt in 20 years. If you have chronic discomfort, anxiety, fatigue, or any other chronic issue, and have experienced even the smallest amount of relief, you know how incredible it feels.

That night, I went straight to my studio and painted this piece. It was a full-bodied, joyful expression of the relief I was experiencing.

This is what these patches can do for people. They have the capability to offer relief to people who have tried so many other things.

I watched all the testimonials, read all the research, and talked to my friend, Cindy, who told me about them, but until I tried them myself I really had no idea how awesome they would be for me.

I can not recommend this patch highly enough!

I sell these patches wholesale, so reach out if you’re interested in giving them a try! It just might provide you the relief you’re seeking.

What Can The X39 Patch Do For You?

How can the x39 patch help you?

The best answer I can give you is, “I don’t know! Everybody’s genetic code inside of them is different.”

Some people might experience better sleep right away. Some people don’t notice changes until they see their dentist or optometrist in 4 months (gum regeneration and vision improvements are common). Some people might experience profound relief of joint discomfort. Others will see an lessening of anxiety or depression over the first couple months. Some women notice an improvement in hormonal issues after wearing the patch for a couple months. Lots of people notice better collagen production in their body (visible improvements in hair, nails, and skin).

The x39 patch resets thousands of genes within the first 24 hours of wearing it, so shifts are happening whether you can feel them or not.

I took a lot of naps for the first couple weeks, as my body adjusted to the shifts. I definitely noticed that I was sleeping better. Anxiety decreased. My digestion wildly shifted. I started to feel better, even though I was pretty tired at the beginning.

I say you try it and see what it does for you!

There is a 30-day money back guarantee, so its a no-risk option to try something that might profoundly improve your health.

I sell these patches wholesale. When you’re ready to try something new for your health, let me know!

It’s my mission to share this revolutionary technology with people, because it is helping me so much in my own health journey!

Aging Well Using The X39 Patch

This summer we started wearing these X39 LifeWave wellness patches!

I am *so* excited to share this with you!

They were created by David Schmidt, the owner and inventor behind the LifeWave patches.

David and his team of researchers have done much research regarding stem cells. Stem cells are the healing cells of the body, and as they go dormant, we age. We heal more slowly and our brains function less optimally as our stem cell count declines.

His goal was to create a non-invasive patch, utilizing light therapy (also known as photobiomodulation), to stimulate the skin and cause bioelectrical and biochemical changes in the body, leading to optimal wellness and the ability to experience the physical vitality we had in our youth!

Stem cell research shows that at age 35, half of your stem cells are already dormant, and this is why we start to feel more aches and pains in our 30’s and 40’s.

By age 60, less than ten percent of your stem cells are active. This is when people start to really feel the aging process.

We are in our mid 40’s, so we feel it’s time to get interested in, and involved in, our aging process.

These patches were created as a result of his stem cell research.

Our goal is to age well! These patches are one of the ways we plan to do it, and to live vibrantly into our 80’s and 90’s!

These patches are not transdermal, which means that nothing absorbs into your skin. They utilize the infrared light that your body emits, and the patches reflect the light back to your skin at a certain frequency, causing cellular shifts to occur.

This is a long-term approach to maintaining your health. This is not a short-term fix. But these patches definitely can help short term discomforts as well! I use them for headaches or stomach issues on a daily basis.

I sell these light therapy patches wholesale, friends!

You can go to www.startx39.com to learn how they work!

I wholeheartedly believe that this is the future of medicine!

Click here to order some!

X39 For Sprains and Strains

I strained my ankle pretty good on Saturday, running to catch a falling leaf.

After limping for a few minutes, and telling Travis that I wasn’t going to be able to walk the trail, he said, “Why don’t you put your x39 patch on your ankle? Let’s see what happens.”

Less than 10 minutes later, I had zero discomfort and we had a great two-mile walk through the woods! I kept the patch on my ankle for the rest of the day, and the discomfort did not even slightly return.

I had a slight bit of discomfort in that same ankle this morning, so I put an x39 patch on it right away. The discomfort went away immediately.

This patch has long-term benefits, but it also has short-term benefits! I’ve never experienced such quick relief of things like strains and headaches as I have with this patch.

Get curious, friends! There’s something here! This technology is bringing people back to life and supporting wellbeing in a whole new, noninvasive way!

Click here to visit my LifeWave store and get your patches today!

Using X39 During Challenging Times

This summer I had 19 cavities filled (due to unavoidable health issues in the past). I had a uterine ablation, I had 5 iron IV infusions, I had an MRI with contrast, I had 12 IV picc lines in my arms, causing two veins to burst, because the veins were getting so weak from all the pokes, and I had a crown put in.

Whew. That’s a LOT. All in a three-month period. It was a pretty intense summer.

I feel that the x39 patch played a very special role in balancing my body during this time.

I know from personal experience that the patch can help improve our quality of life, even while we are experiencing *significant* challenges and stress.

What intense things are you going through right now?

Could the x39 patch help you through this time?

I think so!

It has no contraindications, so you can wear it no matter what issues you are dealing with.

I’ve been blown away by this patch! As you can see from my summer experience, I’ve put this patch to the test!

Want to try it out and test it for yourself? Let’s talk about how this patch can support you in what you’re experiencing right now.

I sell these patches wholesale! Visit my LifeWave Store here.

Side Benefits Of The X39 Patch

I have never been able to get a tan. Many people report that when they start wearing the X39 patch, they burn less and get a nice tan.

I’m pleasantly surprised that this has been the case for me! So nice to finally be able to have a nice tan!

This is a side benefit, for sure, but it’s *definitely* a nice one!

When things start to shift in your wellbeing, you feel more radiant!

If you want to feel your best and optimize the way your body functions, let’s talk. The x39 patch does amazing things for the body.

I sell these patches wholesale, because I love them so much!

Visit my LifeWave link here to get some for yourself!

Light heals.

For twenty years, this was my prayer:

“Please let my recovery be for all people.”

I had no idea how my healing could be for everyone, but I kept praying and asking for this, even though the prayer felt far beyond what was possible.

Deep down I just knew that my health journey was not in vain. I knew that something bigger than I could imagine was behind it all.

Yet how could someone else—anyone else—become well from the particular thing that would help me become well?

In faith, I kept praying this exact prayer.

The answer I kept getting was “light”, or “let the light come through you”.

Fast forward to summer 2023. I had been incredibly sick for twenty years.

My friend Cindy called me and said that she had been using a patch that was based on light therapy, and thought it might help me. I learned that the patch reflected the body’s own infrared light waves back into the body, leading to biochemical and bioelectrical shifts in the body.

This patch had helped my friend, who had very different health concerns than me, feel better. The testimonials she shared with me about other people’s experience with the patch was mind-blowing.

I shared with her the prayer that I had been praying for so long, the prayer that the thing that would help me feel better would be a blessing to everyone, and that it had something to do with light.

We both got goosebumps.

Could this light therapy patch help not only me, but everyone, feel better?

I was going to find out!!

A few days later, I got the patches in the mail. I held one up to my aching thyroid. Relief. I held it up to my aching head. Relief.

Tears streamed down my face.

Could this BE?


I sat for a very long time, holding the past 20 years of debilitating illness, together with the unending hope of restoration, and now with a possible answer.

I had tried so much.

I was so weary of the journey.

Travis was so weary of the journey.

I remembered the words I had received for years in prayer, “Let the light come through you”, as the tears continued to come.

To let hope be born again in me, after so many years of dashed hopes, felt very vulnerable. But I had no choice. I opened up to the possibility of something bigger than myself.

For the past four months I have been using the X39 patch and have experienced incredible results.

Now I must say that I have the most sensitive constitution of *anyone* I know, so my response to the patches has been very pronounced and very significant. Many people feel subtle shifts, and over a longer period of time, but some of us feel the improvements right away. This is important to keep in mind if you choose to use the patch in your wellness routine.

Either way, the x39 patch helps a variety of people, with a variety of concerns, to optimize their health and feel vibrant again.

This is my LifeWave x39 light therapy patch journey. It is not just for me. It is for you, too.

I believe that light will bring healing to us all.

Now I am in the light therapy business, and I sell these patches. I believe that most anyone can benefit from the wellness technology that I offer.

Reach out to me if you would like to try the patches for yourself. It just might be the answer you’ve been looking for.

With love,


Photo Credit: Jan Hubers/Unsplash

A Bit About My Journey

Our health journeys can be *so* tough.

Sometimes they can feel downright brutal.

To be honest, mine has fallen mostly in the brutal category for the last 20 years.

Sharing what we have gone through can be a big part of the healing process, and it can also really help others who are going through a tough time. We need each other, and we need each other’s stories, so I will share some of my journey here, as a source of hope for those who are in a very dark place.

Please share this with anyone you know who is going through the depths in their own health journey. It just might get them through another day, and it might give them the hope they so desperately need.

In 2003, on our honeymoon, I was diagnosed with mononucleosis. What we thought would be a couple week recovery, ended up being a 20-year-long journey through a medical jungle.

Here are just a few of the things I tried in order to recover my health.

I tried every diet. (gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, fat-free, low FODMAP, low-histamine, low-oxalate, ayurvedic diets, paleo, AIP paleo, keto, carnivore, raw carnivore (2 full years), raw milk only (for a full 40 days, I only consumed raw milk, and then I drank raw milk with just a few other foods added for many years after that), the rainbow diet, the autoimmune Diet, elemental diets, the Maker’s Diet, bone broth diets, nourishing traditions diet, GAPS, vegetarian diets, and so many more I can’t even write them all down!)

I saw 70 doctors.

We spent well over $100,000 in out-of-pocket medical costs.

I went to Cleveland Clinic Center For Functional Medicine and saw the top doctors in the country.

I have had every kind of procedure and have done every sort of protocol you can imagine.

I worked with a fecal specialist and almost did an at-home fecal transplant, using Travis’s stool as my transplant source. I also could have travelled to London for this, and it would have cost 15 to 20,000 dollars out-of-pocket.

I went to every type of acupuncturist I could find.

My husband and I lived with his mom for 2 years so I could have someone to take me to appointments and help me with things.

I did extensive neuroplasticity work (brain retraining) to help my body and brain communicate better.

I saw many psychotherapists, and often I went twice a week.

I tried antidepressants, antianxiety meds, antispasmodic meds, antacids, and much more.

I owned an infrared sauna and used it daily.

I did all sorts of red light therapy.

I was trained in HeartMath.

I worked extensively with a breathwork practitioner.

I structured my water.

I went to many healing conferences and was prayed over.

I did hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

I did not drink water for three years.

I strongly considered being a breatharian.

We sold or threw away *absolutely everything* we owned and moved out West to live in a different climate where I could heal, away from mold. We sold our home and everything in it. We sold our car, threw away or donated all of my artwork, all of our books, all of our clothing, and my wedding dress. We threw away all our childhood and college photos. Everything was gone. The only things we kept were our wedding rings.

And these are just *some* of the things I did in order to get well.

Friends, THIS is why I’m so pumped about this x39 patch I’m using. It’s noninvasive. It’s easy. It enables my body to do its own thing better. It’s affordable.

Compared to everything I mentioned above, this patch is a dream! It’s not hard or frustrating to wear the patch. I have access to the patch. I don’t have to leave the country to get it. Nothing absorbs into my skin. It has no contraindications. It feels good to wear it. I am getting incredible results!

Share this with people you know who could benefit from my story. This truly might change their life.

Please contact me with any questions you have.

If you want to learn more about the X39 patch, go to www.startx39.com.

If you are ready to order some patches and try them for yourself, click here. A three month trial (Silver package) is the recommended place to begin.

You CAN get well.

Your body CAN heal.

I am sure of this.

LifeWave Membership Options

Welcome to one of the most advanced resources in wellness technology: the X39 patch.

The X39 patch has revolutionized my own wellness journey, and I trust it will do the same thing for you.

Here is some information to give you clarity about the LifeWave membership options, and to decide which one is right for you.

Most people begin with the Silver package, which is a three month supply of X39 patches. This is what I started with. A few days after starting the patches, I loved the patches so much that I invested in a Gold membership, and then, two months later, I invested in a Diamond membership! The patches are THAT good!

If you and your partner, or friend, are interested in starting the patches at the same time, the Gold package is what you will want to invest in. This will give you both enough time to see improvements on the patch. The Gold package will give you 5 sleeves of X39 patches (30 patches per sleeve), and you will both be able to wear a patch a day for two and a half months. This would have been the best way for me to begin my LifeWave journey, as my husband and I both started using the patches right away, and we were going through them fast. I started sharing the patches with friends and family right away, so my I was going through my supply quickly. This is where I suggest couples start, with the Gold package.

The Diamond package is for people who are serious about the business side of LifeWave products, and for those who want to wear the X39 patches on an ongoing basis. I highly recommend this package if you feel led to invest in the LifeWave business and help people regain their optimal state of wellness!

This product is nothing short of a miracle for many people, and when you start sharing it, you are bringing life and hope to those around you! If you don’t share the product with the people around you, someone else will. This product is just that impactful, and the business opportunity is incredible at this point in LifeWave’s history.

This just may be the answer you are looking for, whether you are looking to regain a state of wellbeing, or whether you want to grow a meaningful and profitable business!

Whether you purchase a Silver, Gold, or Diamond package, LifeWave offers a 30-day refund on all packages. You have 30 days to try the patch, see how it works for you, and if you want to get a refund, you can! This is a RISK FREE opportunity to improve your wellbeing. You can get your money back if you don’t feel the product is right for you. There really is no excuse to not try the X39 patch and see what might happen!

When you are ready to feel your best by utilizing the X39 technology, go to my LifeWave website. Here you will get wholesale pricing on the X39 patch.

Try a new way of taking care of your body! Dive in! You have nothing to lose!