I couldn't drink water when I started wearing the patches

"Start now.

Start where you are.

Start with fear.

Start with pain.

Start with doubt.

Start with your hands shaking.

Just start."


A year ago I couldn’t drink water.

For three years prior I had not been able to drink liquids at all.

If I had even a quarter of a teaspoon of liquid I would be on the verge of going to the hospital for 4 days.

So I didn’t drink anything for about three and a half years.

I got all of my hydration (and nutrition) from three small amounts of cream of wheat and a few slices of zucchini per day. I thickened my raw milk with fiber so that it wouldn’t make me sick.

The thirst was unimaginable. So was the longing for any normal meal.

When I started wearing the patches the directions said “Stay hydrated.”

I hoped for the best and I started wearing the patches anyway, even though “staying hydrated” was one of my biggest challenges.

I prayed the patches would work, even though I was not properly hydrated.

I started where I was.

With fear.

With pain.

With my hands shaking.

It took a full year of wearing the patches until I was able to tolerate plain water. At the eight month mark I had a little success, but it was very small. It took four more months of trying and failing and waiting. And then I was able to drink again.

I still mix some things into my water, (a little juice and fiber) because that’s how I prefer it, but I am so deeply grateful for being able to drink liquids again.

This is the sort of crazy stuff that the patches can help with.

So if you have a crazy, unimaginably weird issue, I can relate.

And I can tell you with surety that these patches can help with the things you never thought could get better.

I’m living proof.

Be willing to try something new.

Even if you’re afraid and feel terribly unprepared.

It might make all the difference.

I love these patches SO much. I offer them to you, for your own healing.

Reach out. Let’s talk.

(A patching note: I wear three patches per day. I wear the X39, for stem cell regeneration. I wear the X49 for bone and muscle and hair growth. I wear Aeon for reducing inflammation and stress in my body.

The X49 patch also has research behind it regarding gut lining repair. Long-term, this particular patch may repair the gut lining, in addition to helping support muscle and bone growth. This patch may be playing a prominent role in my gut health, and may be part of the reason I can drink liquids again. I started wearing that patch in December 2023, adding it to the X39, which I started wearing in June 2023.)