X39 For Sprains and Strains

I strained my ankle pretty good on Saturday, running to catch a falling leaf.

After limping for a few minutes, and telling Travis that I wasn’t going to be able to walk the trail, he said, “Why don’t you put your x39 patch on your ankle? Let’s see what happens.”

Less than 10 minutes later, I had zero discomfort and we had a great two-mile walk through the woods! I kept the patch on my ankle for the rest of the day, and the discomfort did not even slightly return.

I had a slight bit of discomfort in that same ankle this morning, so I put an x39 patch on it right away. The discomfort went away immediately.

This patch has long-term benefits, but it also has short-term benefits! I’ve never experienced such quick relief of things like strains and headaches as I have with this patch.

Get curious, friends! There’s something here! This technology is bringing people back to life and supporting wellbeing in a whole new, noninvasive way!

Click here to visit my LifeWave store and get your patches today!