X39 Patch For Upset Stomach

Trav’s X39 patch success story from yesterday:

Travis had dinner at a potluck last night and his stomach was “super gurgly” afterward.

He wasn’t sure if the gurgly stomach was going to become something more. It wasn’t painful, but it was uncomfortable.

He took his x39 patch off of his shoulder (where he usually wears it), and placed it on his stomach. In less than a minute, the gurgling and discomfort completely stopped. It did not come back. He had a bit of gurgling when he removed the patch to go to bed, but nothing major.

We continue to be surprised at how the x39 patches work so quickly, and in such a wide variety of ailments!

I have seen the increase in health that they have brought us and others, and it has been really incredible so far!

Photo of Trav with one of our awesome nephews.