
The title of this artwork is “Relief”.

Three weeks after I started wearing the x39 patch I had what felt like a break through moment. I felt a relief in my body that I had not felt in 20 years. If you have chronic discomfort, anxiety, fatigue, or any other chronic issue, and have experienced even the smallest amount of relief, you know how incredible it feels.

That night, I went straight to my studio and painted this piece. It was a full-bodied, joyful expression of the relief I was experiencing.

This is what these patches can do for people. They have the capability to offer relief to people who have tried so many other things.

I watched all the testimonials, read all the research, and talked to my friend, Cindy, who told me about them, but until I tried them myself I really had no idea how awesome they would be for me.

I can not recommend this patch highly enough!

I sell these patches wholesale, so reach out if you’re interested in giving them a try! It just might provide you the relief you’re seeking.

Using X39 During Challenging Times

This summer I had 19 cavities filled (due to unavoidable health issues in the past). I had a uterine ablation, I had 5 iron IV infusions, I had an MRI with contrast, I had 12 IV picc lines in my arms, causing two veins to burst, because the veins were getting so weak from all the pokes, and I had a crown put in.

Whew. That’s a LOT. All in a three-month period. It was a pretty intense summer.

I feel that the x39 patch played a very special role in balancing my body during this time.

I know from personal experience that the patch can help improve our quality of life, even while we are experiencing *significant* challenges and stress.

What intense things are you going through right now?

Could the x39 patch help you through this time?

I think so!

It has no contraindications, so you can wear it no matter what issues you are dealing with.

I’ve been blown away by this patch! As you can see from my summer experience, I’ve put this patch to the test!

Want to try it out and test it for yourself? Let’s talk about how this patch can support you in what you’re experiencing right now.

I sell these patches wholesale! Visit my LifeWave Store here.