X39 Patch As An Answer To Prayer

For twenty years, this was my prayer:

“Please let my recovery be for all people.”

I had no idea how my healing could be for everyone, but I kept praying and asking for this, even though the prayer felt far beyond what was possible.

Deep down I just knew that my health journey was not in vain. I knew that something bigger than I could imagine was behind it all.

Yet how could someone else—anyone else—become well from the particular thing that would help me become well?

In faith, I kept praying this exact prayer.

The answer I kept getting was “light”, or “let the light come through you”.

Fast forward to summer 2023. I had been incredibly sick for twenty years.

My friend Cindy called me and said that she had been using a patch that was based on light therapy, and thought it might help me. I learned that the patch reflected the body’s own infrared light waves back into the body, leading to biochemical and bioelectrical shifts in the body.

This patch had helped my friend (who had very different health concerns than me) feel better. The testimonials she shared with me about other people’s experience with the patch was mind-blowing.

I shared with her the prayer that I had been praying for so long, the prayer that the thing that would help me feel better would be a blessing to everyone, and that it had something to do with light.

We both got goosebumps.

Could this light therapy patch help not only me, but everyone, feel better?

I was going to find out!!

A few days later, I got the patches in the mail. I held one up to my aching thyroid. Relief. I held it up to my aching head. Relief.

Tears streamed down my face.

Could this BE?


I sat for a very long time, holding the past 20 years of debilitating illness, together with the unending hope of restoration, and now with a possible answer.

I had tried so much.

I was so weary of the journey.

Travis was so weary of the journey.

I remembered the words I had received for years in prayer, “Let the light come through you”, as the tears continued to come.

To let hope be born again in me, after so many years of dashed hopes, felt very vulnerable. But I had no choice. I opened up to the possibility of something bigger than myself.

For the past four months I have been using the X39 patch and have experienced incredible results.

Now I must say that I have the most sensitive constitution of *anyone* I know, so my response to the patches has been very pronounced and very significant. Many people feel subtle shifts, and over a longer period of time, but some of us feel the improvements right away. This is important to keep in mind if you choose to use the patch in your wellness routine.

Either way, the x39 patch helps a variety of people, with a variety of concerns, to optimize their health and feel vibrant again.

This is my LifeWave x39 light therapy patch journey. It is not just for me. It is for you, too.

I believe that light will bring healing to us all.

Now I am in the light therapy business, and I sell these patches. I believe that most anyone can benefit from the wellness technology that I offer.

Reach out to me if you would like to try the patches for yourself. It just might be the answer you’ve been looking for.

With love,
