
The title of this artwork is “Relief”.

Three weeks after I started wearing the x39 patch I had what felt like a break through moment. I felt a relief in my body that I had not felt in 20 years. If you have chronic discomfort, anxiety, fatigue, or any other chronic issue, and have experienced even the smallest amount of relief, you know how incredible it feels.

That night, I went straight to my studio and painted this piece. It was a full-bodied, joyful expression of the relief I was experiencing.

This is what these patches can do for people. They have the capability to offer relief to people who have tried so many other things.

I watched all the testimonials, read all the research, and talked to my friend, Cindy, who told me about them, but until I tried them myself I really had no idea how awesome they would be for me.

I can not recommend this patch highly enough!

I sell these patches wholesale, so reach out if you’re interested in giving them a try! It just might provide you the relief you’re seeking.

How Long Until I See Results With The X39 Patch?

Good question!

The answer is, “Everyone will respond in their own unique way when they start wearing the X39 patch.”

Some people notice immediate and profound shifts, while other people notice gradual shifts over time. Many people don’t recognize the shifts until they have worn the patch for a few months.

Either way, you can be sure that the patch is working.

The suggested time to trial the patch is three months. This is what the Silver package is designed for on the LifeWave website. The Silver package provides you with a 90 day supply of X39 patches. This will provide enough time for you to experience the deeper shifts that the X39 patch can work in your body.

Research has been done at the one week mark, three month mark, six month mark, and twelve month mark. Here are the findings:

  • Within the first few days, people often experience an immediate increase in energy and joy, better sleep, a general feeling of wellbeing, and less discomfort in their bodies.

  • Between one and three months, many people notice that their nails are longer and stronger, and that their hair is growing very fast. Their skin may have less wrinkles, and may feel more plump.

  • Within three to six months, a deeper sense of wellbeing occurs. Blood tests are often improved. Gums often stop bleeding at dental visits. Vision may improve.

  • Within six to twelve months, people report very positive vascular improvements, they feel younger than they have felt in years, and they feel that their bodies are functioning at optimal levels.

The question I often receive is, “Do I have to wear the X39 patch for the rest of my life, or can I wear it for just a bit?” My answer is, “Once you see the benefits that the X39 patch gives your body, you won’t want to stop wearing it!”

To learn more about the research behind this technology, visit

To purchase the X39 patches at wholesale pricing, visit this link. It will take you directly to my LifeWave store.

Relief Using X39 Patch!

I had a *lot* of dental work done this summer, and I used the X39 patches to help with inflammation and pain reduction.

People have asked, “Do the patches really help?”, and my answer is a resounding “Yes!”

They help people in a variety of ways!

The X39 patch can help alleviate localized discomfort, like I am using one here. Many people notice profound shifts in the first couple weeks of using the patches! I did!

Travis has seen small shifts so far, and he also has not experienced deeply challenging health issues like I have, so his response as a healthy person is quite common. Some people don’t notice the shifts until they have their blood work done in six months, or see the dentist, or go to the eye doctor. Then they are told that their bloodwork is better, their gums look better, and their eyes have improved!

I use the patches for headaches and stomach issues often (I use the patch daily for stomach issues that I experience), and as a localized relief agent (like after dental work), as needed.

I used some gentle medical tape to re-stick the patch on my face, as I moved it from one place to another as the day went on.

Be inspired and get curious! There are ways to heal your body that do not require procedures and medications. This patch has zero contraindications, so you can also use it along with any medications you are taking.

This patch is a part of the Regenerative Medicine movement, which focuses on boosting your body’s natural capability to restore itself. That is why I love this technology! I know my body has the ability to do this!

Ask questions! Do research! Healthcare is changing, and this is one of the exciting things that is available to you now!

To purchase the X39 patches at wholesale pricing, visit this link. It will take you directly to my LifeWave store.

Digestive Relief Using The X39 Patch!

We talk a *lot* about digestion in our home.

If you do too, and if you have digestive issues, read on!!

Today I am sharing how the x39 patch has improved my digestion!

While no one likes to talk about poop, everyone does it, and it’s something many of us struggle with on a daily basis.

So let’s talk about it here, shall we?

Most of my health woes have been related to my digestion. The main thing I have had challenges with is constipation.

The reason I started using the patches is because of my *severe* and longstanding digestive issues.

Within 24 hours of putting the x39 patch on, my digestion radically shifted.

My body kind of swung to the other end of the spectrum for a few days, and I experienced significant diarrhea. This was actually quite encouraging to me, seeing as how I had chronic, debilitating constipation for most of the last 20 years. I was happy to know my body could even function in a different way than it had been!

This is *incredible* news: I have not been constipated since I started using the x39 patch! For that alone, this patch is priceless to me.

Friends, this is HUGE! My body FEELS better. I dont hurt all over everyday. I sleep better. I wake better. I poop WAY better! And this is only the beginning of major improvements in health!

If you or someone you love has chronic digestive issues, this patch could transform their life! Digestive issues can be life-altering and absolutely debilitating.

I’m here to help! It is my goal to spread the good news about this stem cell reactivation patch!

Reach out! Ask questions! Get curious! Visit my LifeWave store at to get wholesale pricing on the X39 patches! This technology might just change your life in a radical way!

To purchase the X39 patches at wholesale pricing, visit this link. It will take you directly to my LifeWave store.