Side Benefits Of The X39 Patch

I have never been able to get a tan. Many people report that when they start wearing the X39 patch, they burn less and get a nice tan.

I’m pleasantly surprised that this has been the case for me! So nice to finally be able to have a nice tan!

This is a side benefit, for sure, but it’s *definitely* a nice one!

When things start to shift in your wellbeing, you feel more radiant!

If you want to feel your best and optimize the way your body functions, let’s talk. The x39 patch does amazing things for the body.

I sell these patches wholesale, because I love them so much!

Visit my LifeWave link here to get some for yourself!

Joint Relief Using The X39 Patch!

I couldn’t sleep on my right shoulder for a year because it would pop out of place. It was *very* uncomfortable. Even lifting dishes up to the top shelf in the cupboard was painful.

Now I can sleep on my right side easily. My shoulder feels 90 percent better! This is amazing to me!

I have been using the x39 patch for almost four months now, and I have a growing list of positive changes I’ve seen already!

This is just the beginning!

If you are in physical discomfort, reach out! This patch works!

I offer these patches at a wholesale price. There’s nothing like it in the market!

This patch helps us feel better from the inside out!

Go to to read the research and get information on the patch! Then contact me with your questions!

To purchase the X39 patches at wholesale pricing, visit this link. It will take you directly to my LifeWave store.