Liberate your stem cells, and your life narrative

I am in the business of liberating things.

It is my aim to liberate us (humans) from the relationship we have to time/work/identity. This liberation is found in the Sabbath practice that Travis and I have cultivated over the past 17 years.

It is my aim to liberate us from the narratives we tell ourselves—about our past and our future—narratives that perpetuate shame and “not enoughness”. This liberation is coming together in the Jubilee Journal I am creating, based on Isaiah 58 (living a Sabbath life). It is time to tell ourselves new stories about ourselves, and new stories about others.

It is my aim to liberate the dormant stem cells of those who want a better quality of life, so that they can do what they came here to do, which is to create and to love and to serve. This liberation is supported by wearing and sharing about the phototherapy technology found in the X39 patch.

Liberation is no small thing.

It is everything.

The more we liberate ourselves from old ideas, old grudges, old narratives, and old beliefs about how the aging process goes, the better off we will be.

Hard doctors visits of the past, and where I am now

“I know why you’re here…”, said the doctor.

“…you want to have babies”, he finished.

“Well…maybe someday…but that’s not why I’m here…” I said

Then he went on…

“You need bigger breasts. Men like big breasts. Then you will have babies.”

I was at an appointment with an Infectious Diseases specialist. I could barely believe my ears. I was in my late 20’s. I was so thin that I was basically skin and bone, wondering why my health had deteriorated so much, and this man told me that bigger breasts would solve my problems.

The rest of the visit continued to be inappropriate and highly disappointing.

This was one of the 70 doctors I visited over the past 20 years.

Some were winners and some were losers.

Navigating the medical system is no joke, and as a young woman it was sometimes alarming to hear what I heard from some of the doctors I saw.

This is part of the reason why I am *so passionate* about people taking charge of their own health.

No one knows you better than you.

We cannot rely on the medical system to tell us what we need.

Our current mainstream medical system is a sick-care model, and it is outdated in many ways.

We need other options to support our wellbeing, and we need these options to be non-invasive, gentle, and in harmony with how our human bodies are designed.

The X39 patch that I post about all. the. time. helps your body do what it does naturally. This is why I LOVE it!

These phototherapy patches fall under the category of Regenerative Medicine, which looks for ways to re-generate our bodies back to health. It’s a very exciting development in the trajectory of medicine.

The X39 patch regenerates your *own* dormant stem cells and these stem cells know exactly where to go in order to repair your body.

It’s much more affordable than seeing a doctor.

It is, of course, not a substitute for seeing a doctor.

It is also quite possibly more encouraging than seeing a doctor, especially if they are going to tell you ridiculous things like getting bigger breasts to solve your chronic health problems.

Choose to empower yourself.

Don’t wait for a doctor to tell you what to do.

Start regenerating your own stem cells today. Your stem cells know where to go in your body.

I sell the X39 patch for $99 per month. It just might change your life. I doubt you’ll get bigger breasts, but you will unquestionably get healthier lymph nodes and healthier breast tissue, which may be the best gift of all.

Detox when starting the X39 patch

This was me for the first 8 weeks I was wearing the X39 patch.

Lest you think that the patch is all sunshine and rainbows, it can lead to a lot of uncomfortable symptoms for some people at first.

The great thing is, I was experiencing more energy in general, much better sleep quality at night, huge shifts in digestion, and way less anxiety.

I just needed huge (3 to 4 hour) naps every day, because my body was changing so rapidly.

After sharing patches with many people over the past 9 months, I have seen that this same thing happen to other people. I have learned that it is common to experience detox at first.

Some people experience nearly nothing for months before they notice shifts. Some people see positive results with zero detox. Some people have a period of significant detox, and it can last for several months.

We all respond differently to phototherapy, and that’s okay. The detox symptoms do not last. The important thing is to not give up too soon, because you may miss the beautiful benefits that you will reap in the long run.

If you are ready to give the X39 patch a try, reach out! I’m here to help! And if you do have detox, I can walk you through it.

Hair regrowth after mold exposure

A year ago, 80 percent of my hair fell out after a significant mold exposure. It was astonishing. It just fell out in clumps. I have a genetic issue called CIRS, and it is an issue with detoxing from mold and biochemicals. Things like massive hair loss can occur when I am exposed to toxins. This was one of the most dramatic hair loss experiences I have ever had in regards to mold. I was not sure my hair would ever grow back.

After wearing the X39 and X49 patches for the past 12 months, my hair has had phenomenal regrowth. It’s still filling in, but WOW, it seems like a miracle.

This is the sort of thing that the patches can do. Things you never thought could reverse can be reversed when your stem cells are active and moving throughout your body.

Know that these changes take months. The changes don’t happen overnight. As you can see, I had to add a support patch to the X39 patch. That’s when the hair regrowth really clicked for me. I wore the X39 for six months, and then I added the X49 patch. Honestly, I would have added the X49 sooner if I knew how much it would help. (As a note, the X49 patch is also for endurance, stamina, muscle growth, and bone growth. It also has promising research behind the peptide it elevates —AHK-cu—regarding dementia.)

If you have any health issue that is bothering you, I trust these patches can help. Reach out. I’m here to help.

Patches for headaches (and brain health)




Brain fog




Overactive brain

Put the patch right on your head for any of the issues above.

If you go out in public, move the patch right behind the base of your ear.

I suggest the X39 and/or the Aeon patch for these issues.

Post workout recovery using LifeWave patches

Post-workout recovery with the patches.

After squats yesterday, my legs were like jello. I could barely walk. I was laughing, but also pretty uncomfortable. Trav said, “Why don’t you move your X39 and X49 patches down to your legs?”

After just a couple minutes the shaking stopped and I could walk with ease the rest of the night!

X39 and X49 patches are what I recommend for everyone who exercises and is aiming to build bone and strengthen their muscles.

One year of wearing LifeWave patches!

One-year mark of wearing the patches!

Here are all of the amazing things we have seen happen over the past 365 days of wearing the patches.

Within first 3 months:

Better sleep

More energy

Less anxious

Less brain fog

Less joint pain

Complete reversal of chronic constipation

Reduced allergies

Improved digestion

Menstrual relief

Pain relief (after surgery)

More flexible body

Nails growing long and strong (first time ever)

Skin very smooth (Mariah) (much more collagen in skin)

Skin not burning in the sun so quickly. Skin tans easier.

Three-month mark:

Travis not depressed anymore

Travis got in basketball shape easier than ever before

Trav’s canker sores not developing into debilitating sores. He still would get them, but not as bad as before.

We both started to feel more connected with our work, more enthusiastic about life.

ZERO back pain.

Five-month mark:

Trav’s facial skin and back skin quality improved greatly by this point. NO back acne anymore.

ZERO dandruff (Travis had severe dandruff and nothing helped it until the X39 patch)

No longer sick in my dreams

We could finally sleep in the same bed, as I had healed so much and was sleeping so much better

We had the best academic semester we have ever had as a couple. Usually it is extremely stressful/exhausting when school starts up for Travis, but this year it was much better. It was still very full, but much more peaceful.

Six-month mark:

We added X49, and my hair began to visibly regrow within the next two months.

We started to cook together, as my diet had expanded enough to cook and eat together

We went out to eat together! This was huge for me.

Eight-month mark:

My body reached a healthy weight (not underweight)

We had friends over for dinner. This was impossible before.

Starting to drink water (this was also impossible for me before, as my gut was not handling water or liquids for years). This took months to resolve, but it started at the eight-month mark.

Eleven-month mark:

Hair finally thick and healthy. This is after wearing the X49 along with the X39 for the past 5 months. (I had lost 80 percent of my hair a year prior to this point from a mold exposure). At this point, it had mostly grown back.

Vision had dramatically improved. My eye doctor was amazed. I noticed that my vision started to change around the three month mark, but I didn’t have my eye exam until the eleven month mark. I had to get new glasses and new contacts, as my vision prescription had gone down an entire step.

The Energy Enhancer patches replaced the need for Travis to drink coffee.

One-year mark:

I drink water and liquids now. This is amazing, as I had not been able to drink plain liquids for years, and my hydration was obtained through foods, and a small amount of thickened liquids.

A pinched nerve in Trav’s foot is now 90 percent better.

Our quality of life has *greatly* improved over the past year. We both feel much more alive, healthy, and happy. My health has improved dramatically over the last 12 months, and continues to improve.

We are beyond grateful.

Join us in celebrating all of these amazing things that have happened because of the X39 and X49 patches!

These patches are light therapy patches. They have no contraindications. Nothing absorbs into your skin. They simply reflect your own infrared light (as seen on a night vision camera) back to your body at a certain wavelength and this creates biochemical changes in the body. It’s so easy. For me, it is the most effective thing I have ever done for my health, and that is saying a LOT! I was desperately ill for over 20 years. It is no exaggeration to say that these patches have changed my life.

When you regenerate your own stem cells, your body knows how to heal itself!

Want to regenerate your own stem cells? I will get you going! This is my business, and I am here to help you be the most vibrant version of yourself that you can be!

Good patch placement for women

This is one of the best places for women to wear the patch.

It is a prominent acupuncture point on the lower abdomen.

If you are not sure where to place the patch, this can be a good place to start.

Where to wear the X39 and X49 patches?

“Where do I wear the patch?”

This is the most common question I get.

Anywhere you want!

Place it where you have pain or discomfort. If you don’t have pain or discomfort, put it somewhere like the picture shown, on the back of your shoulders.

No matter where you place the patch, it works systemically.

It also helps with localized discomfort, so you can put it in an area that is in pain.

I am wearing the X39 patch and the X49 patch in this photo.

Prayer for healing, and an answer

My mom sent me this stone in the spring of 2023, because I had been dealing with severe health issues for over 20 years.

I set this stone out on our table, as a prayer for healing. I would often hold it in my hands and just cry. Tears were the only prayer I had left.

Later that year, my friend Cindy called and told me about the X39 Stem Cell Regeneration patch. As you know, the X39 and X49 patches have absolutely changed my life, and it is my joy to share them with others who are struggling with their health.

Not only have these patches helped my physical body heal itself, but my mental health is so much better, and Trav’s mental and physical health is so much better, and I’ve shared the patches with hundreds of people who also are experiencing the same things!

Today I hold this stone as a prayer not just for me, but for all people who are seeking healing.

If you or someone you know is dealing with any health issue, I trust that these patches can help.

It’s not a quick fix. It’s a slow, deep process where your stem cells are regenerated and where your genes are reset to a more youthful state.

Please share this with the people you love. It might absolutely change someone’s life in ways you cannot imagine.

I would love to talk with them and give them hope for a better and brighter future.

LifeWave patches for canker sores

Travis has had chronic canker sores since he was four years old.

That is forty years of having nearly constant canker sores.

He can’t actually remember a time when he didn’t have a canker sore in his mouth or throat.

He has literally done every possible form of treatment available for these canker sores: switching toothpastes, using medicated mouthwashes, taking targeted supplements, reducing stress, investing in targeted oral red light therapy, and more. Nothing has helped much.

He would often have several bouts of canker sores each year that would put him in bed for a couple days every time, unable to talk or function. That has not been the case this year.

This past year he has still had canker sores, but not as severely as he used to, and that is a big shift! He has not had a day where he could not talk due to overwhelming pain and discomfort.

As soon as he starts to get a canker sore, he will stick a patch in his face or neck. He will usually use Aeon patches, which help with inflammation and the body’s stress response.

For any type of chronic inflammatory condition, consider the X39 and Aeon patches. They’re making a very big difference in our quality of life.

I sell these light therapy patches wholesale. Reach out to learn more. This technology is unlike anything we have ever experienced.

Healing is possible with light therapy

Healing is possible.

The kind that makes pursuing your dreams and passions a reality again.

The kind that lets you hang out with friends and family again.

The kind that is easy, not complicated or painful or depleting or expensive.

This light therapy patch (the X39 patch) is the easiest and most effective form of therapy I have done in over 20 years. That is saying a lot, because I was very sick for two decades, went to 70 doctors, huge clinics, did all the medications and diets and protocols…and still was very unwell.

Over the past year of wearing the X39 and other LifeWave patches, I have had more physical healing than in the last 20 years combined.

If you have a physical or mental health issue that you are struggling with, try the X39 patch. I trust it can help you in ways that other modalities haven’t been able to.

You don’t have to live with all of the aches and pains, the anxiety and depression, the brain fog and poor sleep. Empower your body to do its thing better.

Get started on the X39 patch today.

Reach out. I’m here to help you! It is my deep joy to share this technology with the world.

LifeWave patches and food sensitivities

I used to only eat raw milk and raw meat.

Having a picnic with sandwiches and snacks was something I only dreamed about.

We had a picnic today, filled with all the yummy foods I thought I’d never have again. We had chips and dips and chocolate and crackers and blueberry hand pies and turkey wraps (lovingly made by Travis). We even had Easy Cheese and Chicken In A Biskit crackers, which was a super fun throwback snack from my high school days!

This is the sort of thing that the X39 and other LifeWave patches can do. Restore bodies. Restore dreams.

If you feel stuck in your health journey and you don’t know where to go, try light therapy. The X39 and X49 patches have improved my life in incredible ways from where I was a year ago.

I continue to see improvements in my health even now! I have been wearing the patches for 13 months now.

There is hope. Reach out and ask questions. I’m here to help you get started on your new path to radiant health.

Wear the X39 patch where your body hurts

Many people wear the X39 patch at the top of the spine.

This is a prominent acupuncture point on the body, and lots of people find it to be their favorite spot for wearing the patch.

I found this point to be too stimulating for me when I began wearing the patches a year ago, but now I will sometimes wear a patch there.

Travis will often wear his X39 patch there, but it took him several months before he liked wearing it there.

The inventor of the patch says that this is a great place for men to wear the patch. Women tend to do better with the patch on their abdomen.

I suggest that you place the patches where you have the most discomfort, and if you don’t have discomfort anywhere, place the patch on your upper neck as shown, or below your belly button.

X39 for mental health

I recently received this awesome testimonial from someone who started wearing the patches this spring.

I LOVE hearing stories like this!

“I've stopped taking most of my psych meds.

I've noticed much healthier skin, particularly less acne.

I had been having terrible headaches 4-5 days a week, also probably due to stress, but those stopped since wearing them. I've had less than 5 severe headaches total since wearing them.

I have lost a few pounds without changing anything in my lifestyle. I had been taking meds to help with that, but haven't recently.”

Want to start feeling better than you have in a long time? Reach out! These patches are changing people’s lives!

The difficult journey of healing from chronic illness

I remember praying this prayer after I had been sick for three years, “How long will this sickness last? I am utterly exhausted. I don’t know how much more I can take. How long, oh Lord?”

In my spirit I heard “Five years longer”.

I remember weeping, wondering how I could possibly endure five more years of the unrelenting fatigue, digestive issues, social isolation, and brain fog.

In reality, it took seventeen years longer, and I’m *really* glad I didn’t know that because I’m not sure what I would have done.

I share this with you because I now consider these twenty years a blessing. I grew in profound ways. We, as a couple, grew in profound ways. These years were blessed in ways beyond our understanding.

Yes, these years were absolutely brutal on our spirits, and on my body, heart, and mind.

Yes, our dreams completely crumbled before our eyes for two decades.

But the great thing about breaking down is that you get the chance to break through.

I broke through a lot of inner pain and deep fears that I didn’t know were there. I had weekly therapy for most of those 20 years. I faced the pain, and there was so much pain to face.

I learned to embrace myself right where I was. I learned to love my body. I learned how my brain and body are interconnected, and how to think in new ways.

I think, mostly, I learned how to love during this time, and that’s the best gift I can imagine: to learn how to love and be loved.

So, God, here I am.

I am better for these 20 years. I would do it all over again to be where I am today.

I offer all these years back to you. All the heartache and courage, hope and pain, trust and anger, weakness and weeping, and summoning of inner strength…let all these things be used for the Kingdom, I pray.

Through my life, I ask that many blessings may come to others.

I pray that I can be a source of great hope to those who are hurting. I pray that my story and my light will help others endure through their own difficult journeys.

If you are on your own difficult journey, and you can’t see the end, I see you, and I understand. I honor your experience. You are not alone.

The main patches I wear

These are the three LifeWave patches I wear every single day.

I wear the X39 patch because it regenerates my dormant stem cells, and my stem cells know where to go once they are active. Stem cells can turn into any cell your body needs, like muscle cells, bone cells, or gut-lining cells. For me, this patch has been a game-changer for my chronic conditions.

I wear the Aeon patch to reduce inflammation and calm stress in my body. It is nicknamed “The happy patch” for a reason. When inflammation is down, the stem cells can get to the place they are trying to go. If inflammation is not addressed, inflammation actually eats up stem cells, so the X39 patch is less effective. I love this patch, and it’s my second favorite patch to wear.

I wear the X49 patch to help with muscle and bone growth. This patch also helps hair regrow. It’s the one that helped my hair regrow after I lost 80 percent of it a year ago after a mold exposure. The peptide that this patch stimulates (AHK-cu) also has very promising research behind it for helping fight cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Yes, please!

I’ve tried all the LifeWave patches over the past year and these are my top three. I highly recommend these three to people who are trying to recover their health, or trying to reverse symptoms of disease.

Start with the X39 and then add Aeon and X49.

I sell each of these patches wholesale. Reach out to learn more. This technology is life-changing in the best way!

Let your stem cells do the work!

Healing is hard enough.

Doctors visits.


Physical therapy.


Allllll the different diets.

Figuring out if you can do things depending on how you might feel that day…

The list goes on!

Let your stem cells do the work, friends.

They know exactly where to go in your body.

This patch regenerates your very own dormant stem cells through light! Nothing absorbs into your body. There are no contraindications. The benefits can be profound over months and years.

It’s a slow and deep process. It takes time. But, wow, it can really change your quality of life! I’m living proof.

Stop trying so hard. Let your stem cells do the work. Stick a patch on your body every day and see how things can change in 3, 6, 9 months!

Let’s talk! I’m here to help you feel your best!

Try wearing the patches on the bottom of your feet

This patch placement is awesome.

For a year I wore the X39 on my abdomen nearly every day. I started exploring other areas to place the patches once my digestive issues started to calm down.

In June, I started wearing the X39 and X49 patches on the bottom of my feet. I love wearing them there! I feel like my entire body gets a boost.

My friend, Cindy, who introduced me to the patches, has also started wearing the patches on the bottom of her feet and this is what she said about it:

“I am so excited because I feel like I finally found the magic spot on me that helps me. I noticed they stay on all day if I have my socks and shoes on. My feet used to throb almost every night, and now my feet no longer hurt.“

Cindy’s feet are on the left. My feet are on the right. This is where we wear the patches on our feet.

Try wearing your X39 and X49 patches on the bottom of your feet. You might love it!

If you haven’t started patching yet, please reach out! I’ll get you going. It’s truly remarkable what can happen with these patches!

Hair Regrowth on the X49 patch

14 months ago and now.

My hair regrew.

My vision improved.

My digestion improved.

My skin smoothed out.

My nails grew strong.

My sleep improved.

My mood improved.

Joint pain went away.

Inflammation decreased.

My weight balanced out (I was 20 pounds under weight when I began).

My cycle regulated.

And soooo much more!

The improvement has been dramatic, and I’m not even at the 20 month mark! (For every year you have dealt with an issue or condition, it is suggested to wear the patch for one month. I was sick for 20 years, so to get an idea of how the X39 and X49 stem cell regeneration patches can help me long term, I committed to wearing them a minimum of 20 months. At that point, I will have a good idea of how the patches can support me long-term. These first 20 months will be a time of significant improvements in my body.)

In the first picture, all of my hair was pulled over to one side. I had lost 80% of my hair before I started the patches. Now, my hair is full and thick, and getting thicker all the time. It is not all pulled over to one side. In fact, it is too thick to do that. My skin looks fresh and supple. I have energy to go about my day.

My body continues to improve, and I am SO grateful for what has occurred in the last 14 months. Truly, it has been amazing.

I trust that the X39 patch can help you. Patience is key. For example, it took an entire year for me to be able to drink water again. But, I saw improvements all along the way, and that kept me going.

If you are tired of feeling sick and tired, reach out. I can help you get started on the X39 patch.

It might just change your life.