The main patches I wear

These are the three LifeWave patches I wear every single day.

I wear the X39 patch because it regenerates my dormant stem cells, and my stem cells know where to go once they are active. Stem cells can turn into any cell your body needs, like muscle cells, bone cells, or gut-lining cells. For me, this patch has been a game-changer for my chronic conditions.

I wear the Aeon patch to reduce inflammation and calm stress in my body. It is nicknamed “The happy patch” for a reason. When inflammation is down, the stem cells can get to the place they are trying to go. If inflammation is not addressed, inflammation actually eats up stem cells, so the X39 patch is less effective. I love this patch, and it’s my second favorite patch to wear.

I wear the X49 patch to help with muscle and bone growth. This patch also helps hair regrow. It’s the one that helped my hair regrow after I lost 80 percent of it a year ago after a mold exposure. The peptide that this patch stimulates (AHK-cu) also has very promising research behind it for helping fight cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Yes, please!

I’ve tried all the LifeWave patches over the past year and these are my top three. I highly recommend these three to people who are trying to recover their health, or trying to reverse symptoms of disease.

Start with the X39 and then add Aeon and X49.

I sell each of these patches wholesale. Reach out to learn more. This technology is life-changing in the best way!