Try wearing the patches on the bottom of your feet

This patch placement is awesome.

For a year I wore the X39 on my abdomen nearly every day. I started exploring other areas to place the patches once my digestive issues started to calm down.

In June, I started wearing the X39 and X49 patches on the bottom of my feet. I love wearing them there! I feel like my entire body gets a boost.

My friend, Cindy, who introduced me to the patches, has also started wearing the patches on the bottom of her feet and this is what she said about it:

“I am so excited because I feel like I finally found the magic spot on me that helps me. I noticed they stay on all day if I have my socks and shoes on. My feet used to throb almost every night, and now my feet no longer hurt.“

Cindy’s feet are on the left. My feet are on the right. This is where we wear the patches on our feet.

Try wearing your X39 and X49 patches on the bottom of your feet. You might love it!

If you haven’t started patching yet, please reach out! I’ll get you going. It’s truly remarkable what can happen with these patches!