Hard doctors visits of the past, and where I am now

“I know why you’re here…”, said the doctor.

“…you want to have babies”, he finished.

“Well…maybe someday…but that’s not why I’m here…” I said

Then he went on…

“You need bigger breasts. Men like big breasts. Then you will have babies.”

I was at an appointment with an Infectious Diseases specialist. I could barely believe my ears. I was in my late 20’s. I was so thin that I was basically skin and bone, wondering why my health had deteriorated so much, and this man told me that bigger breasts would solve my problems.

The rest of the visit continued to be inappropriate and highly disappointing.

This was one of the 70 doctors I visited over the past 20 years.

Some were winners and some were losers.

Navigating the medical system is no joke, and as a young woman it was sometimes alarming to hear what I heard from some of the doctors I saw.

This is part of the reason why I am *so passionate* about people taking charge of their own health.

No one knows you better than you.

We cannot rely on the medical system to tell us what we need.

Our current mainstream medical system is a sick-care model, and it is outdated in many ways.

We need other options to support our wellbeing, and we need these options to be non-invasive, gentle, and in harmony with how our human bodies are designed.

The X39 patch that I post about all. the. time. helps your body do what it does naturally. This is why I LOVE it!

These phototherapy patches fall under the category of Regenerative Medicine, which looks for ways to re-generate our bodies back to health. It’s a very exciting development in the trajectory of medicine.

The X39 patch regenerates your *own* dormant stem cells and these stem cells know exactly where to go in order to repair your body.

It’s much more affordable than seeing a doctor.

It is, of course, not a substitute for seeing a doctor.

It is also quite possibly more encouraging than seeing a doctor, especially if they are going to tell you ridiculous things like getting bigger breasts to solve your chronic health problems.

Choose to empower yourself.

Don’t wait for a doctor to tell you what to do.

Start regenerating your own stem cells today. Your stem cells know where to go in your body.

I sell the X39 patch for $99 per month. It just might change your life. I doubt you’ll get bigger breasts, but you will unquestionably get healthier lymph nodes and healthier breast tissue, which may be the best gift of all.