Hair Regrowth on the X49 patch

14 months ago and now.

My hair regrew.

My vision improved.

My digestion improved.

My skin smoothed out.

My nails grew strong.

My sleep improved.

My mood improved.

Joint pain went away.

Inflammation decreased.

My weight balanced out (I was 20 pounds under weight when I began).

My cycle regulated.

And soooo much more!

The improvement has been dramatic, and Iā€™m not even at the 20 month mark! (For every year you have dealt with an issue or condition, it is suggested to wear the patch for one month. I was sick for 20 years, so to get an idea of how the X39 and X49 stem cell regeneration patches can help me long term, I committed to wearing them a minimum of 20 months. At that point, I will have a good idea of how the patches can support me long-term. These first 20 months will be a time of significant improvements in my body.)

In the first picture, all of my hair was pulled over to one side. I had lost 80% of my hair before I started the patches. Now, my hair is full and thick, and getting thicker all the time. It is not all pulled over to one side. In fact, it is too thick to do that. My skin looks fresh and supple. I have energy to go about my day.

My body continues to improve, and I am SO grateful for what has occurred in the last 14 months. Truly, it has been amazing.

I trust that the X39 patch can help you. Patience is key. For example, it took an entire year for me to be able to drink water again. But, I saw improvements all along the way, and that kept me going.

If you are tired of feeling sick and tired, reach out. I can help you get started on the X39 patch.

It might just change your life.