Detoxing with Glutathione patches

This is one of the most effective acupuncture points for detoxing the body.

I wear a glutathione patch here if I feel like I am getting a cold, or if I have been around people who have a cold. It’s a great patch to have on hand during the fall and winter months, when colds are more prevalent.

Glutathione patches boost your natural glutathione production by 300 percent within 24 hours. This has been confirmed through clinical trials, via blood tests.

Raising the body’s own glutathione levels 300 percent in 24 hours is very impressive, considering that oral glutathione raises glutathione levels by only about 15 percent in the span of one month.

Glutathione is one of the body’s main antioxidants. It boosts your immune system and helps your body detoxify more effectively.

Glutathione is one of the main supplements that I took when I was first diagnosed with CIRS (mold and biotoxin illness, a genetic disorder) at Cleveland Clinic in 2016.

Now my body can produce its own glutathione via light therapy patches, which is both much more effective and also more affordable than taking oral glutathione each month.

I also use the glutathione patch on my stomach to help with my digestive “fire”. This patch has been incredibly helpful for me when I have lost my appetite (which used to be 100 percent of the time, until I started wearing the patches). I discovered this use by placing the glutathione patch over my stomach when I was having a bad stomach ache one day.

This is also a great patch to wear if you are experiencing detox at the beginning of your patching journey. Some people have more detox than others when they start wearing the patches, and this patch can assist in detoxing the body more effectively.

These patches have made a huge difference in my quality of life! I sell these patches wholesale. I recommend starting with the X39 stem cell regeneration patch and trying additional patches from there. That’s the most effective way of patching.

How do the patches work?

These patches are a form of light therapy technology, or photobiomodulation.

Nothing absorbs into your skin.

Your own infrared light is reflected back to your body via the patch, and when this light hits your skin, your body responds by producing a certain peptide. This peptide has beneficial properties within your body, and ultimately your body responds by producing glutathione, in this case.

Reach out! Let’s get you healthier from the inside out!

I couldn't drink water when I started wearing the patches

"Start now.

Start where you are.

Start with fear.

Start with pain.

Start with doubt.

Start with your hands shaking.

Just start."


A year ago I couldn’t drink water.

For three years prior I had not been able to drink liquids at all.

If I had even a quarter of a teaspoon of liquid I would be on the verge of going to the hospital for 4 days.

So I didn’t drink anything for about three and a half years.

I got all of my hydration (and nutrition) from three small amounts of cream of wheat and a few slices of zucchini per day. I thickened my raw milk with fiber so that it wouldn’t make me sick.

The thirst was unimaginable. So was the longing for any normal meal.

When I started wearing the patches the directions said “Stay hydrated.”

I hoped for the best and I started wearing the patches anyway, even though “staying hydrated” was one of my biggest challenges.

I prayed the patches would work, even though I was not properly hydrated.

I started where I was.

With fear.

With pain.

With my hands shaking.

It took a full year of wearing the patches until I was able to tolerate plain water. At the eight month mark I had a little success, but it was very small. It took four more months of trying and failing and waiting. And then I was able to drink again.

I still mix some things into my water, (a little juice and fiber) because that’s how I prefer it, but I am so deeply grateful for being able to drink liquids again.

This is the sort of crazy stuff that the patches can help with.

So if you have a crazy, unimaginably weird issue, I can relate.

And I can tell you with surety that these patches can help with the things you never thought could get better.

I’m living proof.

Be willing to try something new.

Even if you’re afraid and feel terribly unprepared.

It might make all the difference.

I love these patches SO much. I offer them to you, for your own healing.

Reach out. Let’s talk.

(A patching note: I wear three patches per day. I wear the X39, for stem cell regeneration. I wear the X49 for bone and muscle and hair growth. I wear Aeon for reducing inflammation and stress in my body.

The X49 patch also has research behind it regarding gut lining repair. Long-term, this particular patch may repair the gut lining, in addition to helping support muscle and bone growth. This patch may be playing a prominent role in my gut health, and may be part of the reason I can drink liquids again. I started wearing that patch in December 2023, adding it to the X39, which I started wearing in June 2023.)

Hormone and Sleep Patch

There’s a patch specifically for HORMONES and SLEEP.

I’ve been experimenting with different LifeWave patches to see what will help with hormone balancing.

In this photo I am wearing a Silent Nights patch. It is the only patch I wear at the beginning of my cycle. My body does not want the stimulation of the X39 or the X49 at this time.

The Silent Nights patch increases seratonin, as well as melatonin. Seratonin can drop dramatically at the beginning of a woman’s menstrual cycle.

This can lead to significant fatigue and shifts in mood.

This patch is a hormone-balancing patch. It is typically worn at night, to calm the body, but I actually love wearing it during the first day or two of my cycle, during the daylight hours. It calms my body when it is most irritated.

This may seem like a strange place to put it, but it is an acupuncture point for hormone regulation. I wear it there while I am at home, and then I move it somewhere else when I leave the house. There are lots of places to put it. This just happens to be the place my body likes it most.

This patch helps a lot of women with hot flashes as well. It is very soothing and calming.

You could also wear the Silent Night patch for better sleep! Travis wears it every night and loves it!

Start with the X39 and then consider what support patches might boost your body from there!

Reach out! I offer these patches at wholesale prices. They are one of my absolute favorite things to share with people, because they are making such a difference in my quality of life!

Courage when starting a new treatment

“Courage is the commitment to begin without any guarantee of success.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

14 months ago I had no idea if the LifeWave patches would help me restore my health.

There was no guarantee of success.

The beginning was very full of ups and downs. I was not sure if the patches were really helping me some days, because I had some very tough days, just like before the patches, and that was hard!

But the benefits were undeniable.

Better sleep.

Better mood.

Much less anxiety.

Not crying every. single. day.

Nails started to grow strong.

Skin improved, and wrinkles diminished.

Joints stopped popping, and they didn’t hurt.

Huge digestive improvements.

I had more energy, even though it was up and down. It was much better than before starting the patches!

That was within the first three months.

Then my vision improved dramatically.

My hair regrew dramatically with the addition of the X49.

Trav’s skin improved dramatically.

We both had more stamina.

This was within the first 6 to 8 months.

At the one year mark I could tolerate water and liquids again.

The improvements have taken months, and I continue to heal, and the timing is on par with what the company suggests: for every year you have had an issue, expect to wear the patches one month. I was dealing with health issues for 20 years, so 20 months is how long to wear the patches in order to get a good idea of how they can help me long term. I’m 14 months in, so just about 2/3 of the way there. I’m so deeply grateful for the improvements that I’ve experienced so far.

At that point, you don’t stop wearing the patches. You have an idea of how the patches can help you long-term at that point.

Join me! These patches regenerate your own dormant stem cells. Your stem cells know where to go, so you can relax and let your body do the healing.

It’s the easiest form of therapy I’ve ever done, and it is unquestionably the most effective.

Reach out! Let’s talk! Start the x39 for $99 per month. It might change your life, like it is changing mine.

It might feel like a courageous step, and it is, but I’m here to tell you that these patches have made a profound difference in my health, and I want that for you too!

I love every version of myself.

I love every version of myself.

These pictures were taken 11 years apart.

The left picture was taken at the absolute hardest part of my health journey. At that point, I had seen 40 doctors, I was 25 pounds underweight, I was living with my mother-in-law because I was too sick to care for myself, and I needed more care than Travis could realistically provide for me. My skin was yellow because squash was one of the only things I could eat. I was on anti-anxiety meds, anti-depressants, and anti-spasmodic meds (for my gut). I slept less than three hours per night and rarely left the house. I made all my own food, and only ate about ten foods total. I was carried through this time by the prayers of the people, and by the love of Travis and of his mom. Every day was a feat to simply exist.

That version of myself is beautiful to me. That was me in the depths of the fire. That was me at rock bottom. That was me disintegrating like a caterpillar in its chrysalis. It was truly an awful time, but I would not be who I am today without that time, and what I went through.

Many years have passed since that picture on the left was taken. I have changed in more ways than I can count, and life has gotten better in every single way.

The Mariah on the right has seen 70 doctors. She went to hell and back in her own heart and body over the past 20 years. She tried every approach to health that was available to her. She learned more about her own courage and strength than she ever dreamed possible. She loves herself. She is not afraid of being herself. She died and was rebirthed a thousand times, and lived to tell the story.

Today I pause and honor every version of myself: the weak parts, the strong parts, the devastating parts, and the victorious parts. Every part of my life experience belongs.

I am so grateful for the love of my family and friends that got me through hardest of times of my life. I am so grateful to God, who watched over me and carried me through it all.

I am grateful that I am here today to share my story, my life, and my light with the world.

Dramatically improved eyesight on the X39 patch

I have experienced dramatically improved vision using the X39 stem cell regeneration patch!

I have never had my vision prescription improve in over 35 years.

About 3 months after I started wearing the X39 stem cell regeneration patch I noticed a very significant change in my eyesight.

My yearly visit was still 8 months away, and I decided to wait to get my eyes checked.

On Friday I went in for my yearly exam and the doctor said that my vision had “dramatically improved”, especially in my left eye.

I went from a -3.75 to a -2.75. A whole step down in my prescription!

When she gave me the right contacts to put in my eyes, I could see SO MUCH better!

Friends, this is the sort of thing that stem cell regeneration can do, with the X39 patches. These patches support your body to heal from the inside out.

The changes don’t happen overnight, but over many months and years.

I am 11 months in, but I started noticing vision shifts after 3 months.

If you want to support your body from the inside out, and get your own stem cells regenerated, reach out!

These patches have absolutely changed my life! WOW!!

Dramatic health improvements on the patches

This is my mother-in-law’s face. She is 75 years old. She wears the X39, X49, and Aeon patches every day. She started wearing SP6 and some other patches around the 3 month mark.

Isn’t the improvement dramatic? WOW! I think she looks ten years younger. This is why it is SO important to take before and after photos while you wear the patches. Things change slowly, and you don’t even notice it.

This is what she wrote about her patching experience:

“I have been wearing patches from a company called LifeWave for the past 5 months. The X39 patch captures the body’s natural infrared light, which activates stem cell production and elevates copper peptides in the body, with amazing results! I’m not discounting the traditional medical treatments for most of my issues – physical therapy, chiropractor, pain medication, etc. I tried them all for years! But these patches have brought life-changing miracles into my life without putting anything into my body! I have been dealing with poor sleep for most of my adult life, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue for over 20 years, sciatica, knee and shoulder pain for 10 years. After all, I’m 75 years old and that’s all a “normal part of aging, right!” Well, not necessarily! I have discovered that we don’t have to accept all those negative effects of our aging bodies!

Here is a list of what I have experienced in the past 5 months just from wearing non-transdermal patches:

Significantly Improved sleep

Dramatically increased energy

Reduced inflammation

Knee pain is gone

Shoulder tendonitis is gone

Sciatica in left leg is gone

Back and neck pain is gone

I am off all prescription pain medicine for Fibromyalgia

Stomach pain and constipation issues are gone

Digestion has improved

Varicose veins are gone

Weight loss

Skin is softer, dark spots fading, and wrinkles are less obvious

These patches are truly amazing. They are a slow, deep, regenerative process. There are many other success stories that are even more dramatic than mine! I have decided to start selling the patches wholesale! If you are interested in more information about the patches, please let me know.

The photos are from end of Sept 2023, end of Dec 2023 (3 month mark), end of Feb 2024 (5 month mark).”

Get some for yourself! These patches might really improve your quality of life!

Incredible hair regrowth on X49 patch!

This is nothing short of a miracle.

I had lost 80 percent of my hair due to a severe mold exposure in May 2023. My hair fell out in gobs the next few days, and I was left with 20 percent of my hair. It was devastating. I LOVE my hair.

I have a genetic issue regarding mold and biotoxins (it is called CIRS). Extreme and very unpleasant symptoms occur when I am around mold and chemicals.

I wore the X39 patch for 6 months, starting in June 2023. My nails grew in long and strong. My skin became as smooth at it has ever been. My hair did not regrow.

Then, in December 2023, I added the X49 patch. MIRACLE! My hair grew in thick and strong, in a matter of 2 to 3 months. It is still filling in and growing out, and it is May 2024. But in 5 short months my hair went from wispy to thick and robust.

ALSO, my white hair is growing back in COLOR.

If that is not a miracle, I don’t know what is.

Try them for yourself! I highly recommend wearing both the X39 and X49 daily. That is what has helped me the most!

Energy Enhancer patches as a coffee alternative!

My husband decided to try wearing the Energy Enhancer patches during the month of April rather than drinking coffee in the morning. He reports that the results have been very positive. He has had sustained energy, vigor, and has been productive at work. He only had one cup of coffee during the whole month of April, and that was to see if he would get jittery since he had not consumed any for several weeks.

He did not get jittery, but he also realized that he did not need coffee in order to feel energetic and awake. He said he misses the ritual of coffee, and sometimes he misses the bitter taste of it, but other than that he said that the Energy Enhancer patches have helped him feel energetic without caffeine, and he is continuing to wear them daily instead of drinking coffee!

LifeWave patches for reducing inflammation

Look at the reduction in inflammation and redness in my mother-in-law’s hands. The quality of her skin has improved dramatically since she started wearing the patches. She wears the X39, X49, SP6 and Aeon daily. The quality of her nails is much better as well.

She is 75 years old. These patches have worked wonders for her and she would not be without them!

LifeWave patches for edema

This is a before and after photo of my mother-in-law’s legs. She had been wearing the patches 4 months when the “after” photo was taken. She wears X39, X49, Aeon and SP6 daily. She has had incredible results with the patches!

LifeWave Patches Can Be Stuck To Your Clothing

This is how you use a patch to help with a headache on the top of your head!

I had a headache this morning and this is the first time I used a patch on the outside of my clothing. It worked great!

The patches are activated within 4 inches of your body, so you don’t have to stick them directly in your body if you don’t want to.

Some people have sensory issues, so sticking a patch directly on their body doesn’t feel good. They can just stick the patch on their clothing instead!

Fall weather can bring all sorts of headaches and body aches with it. These patches could bring you relief in a non-invasive way!

LifeWave Patches For Headaches

Today was a headache-y sort of day in the West household (Was it the weather? Humidity? Barometric pressure? Stress? Hormones? Who knows!) I put an x39 patch on my forehead and Trav put an Aeon patch on his forehead. We both had relief from our headaches/mental fatigue/brain fog.

We aim to experiment on ourselves so that we can share with you what we find helpful.

If you get headaches, these patches might help! There are a few different types of LifeWave patches that you could experiment with and see what works for you.

Hormone Balancing With LifeWave Patches

Hormone balancing using LifeWave patches!

I know you ladies out there will appreciate this!

You can place a patch on this point on the right ankle to help with hormone balancing.

Today was the second day of my cycle and the hormones felt pretty intense. I placed an Aeon patch on this spot and definitely felt relief from the intensity. I could have used an x39 as well.

These patches are amazing! There is a 30-day money back guarantee, so if you try them and don’t like them, you get a full refund! It’s a low-risk way to see if they could help you regain your vitality!

X39 Patch For Upset Stomach

Trav’s X39 patch success story from yesterday:

Travis had dinner at a potluck last night and his stomach was “super gurgly” afterward.

He wasn’t sure if the gurgly stomach was going to become something more. It wasn’t painful, but it was uncomfortable.

He took his x39 patch off of his shoulder (where he usually wears it), and placed it on his stomach. In less than a minute, the gurgling and discomfort completely stopped. It did not come back. He had a bit of gurgling when he removed the patch to go to bed, but nothing major.

We continue to be surprised at how the x39 patches work so quickly, and in such a wide variety of ailments!

I have seen the increase in health that they have brought us and others, and it has been really incredible so far!

Photo of Trav with one of our awesome nephews.

Allergy Relief Using The X39 Patch

Relieve allergies with the x39 patch!

I had some sinus issues come on strong this afternoon, so I placed a patch over my sinuses. Within 5 minutes, my sinus irritation was gone.

I find these patches to be *so* helpful for sinus relief and headache relief. I use an x39 or an Aeon patch (whatever one I want to relocate from a different part of my body, and stick on my face).

Be a trend-setter! Try sticking a patch on your face for allergy relief! No drowsiness. No pills. Just an awesome little patch!

How Long Until I See Results With The X39 Patch?

How long will it take to see results with the X39 patch?

I felt significant digestive changes right away, while Travis wore the X39 patches about three months before he noticed significant changes (relief of depression and improved mood). Both of us started sleeping better within the first week, and that is quite common.

Here is a general timeline for what to expect when you are using the patches. The deeper, regenerative shifts begin to happen around the 3 to 6 month mark, and continue to go deeper as you go along.

This is not a quick-fix, but a slow-and-steady sort of approach to wellness.

While you may experience immediate relief of discomfort, many of the deeper rewards are discovered several months in to using the patches.

What to expect:

The First Few Days

4,000 Genes Begin to Reset

Within 24 hours the x39 patch begins to reset 3,000-4,000 genes to a younger healthier state. People using the x39 patches will experience an immediate effect through elevation of antioxidants, a decrease in inflammation, an increase in energy and joy.

Within 1-3 Months

Physical Changes Occur

Activating your cells with light (your own infrared light is reflected back to you by the patch), leads to an increase in collagen in the skin which decreases wrinkles and increases hair growth. Even if you don’t feel the effects, rest assured, the cells that are being activated may be regenerating an internal organ or tissue before repairing something you feel.

Within 3-6 Months

Active Cell Repair

Deep healing is happening in your body, at the cellular level, and your body is repairing damage caused by the aging process.

Within 6-12 months

Reverse Aging

“In a recent study, 14 out of 15 people lowered their vascular age by an average of 8 years after just 6 months of using X39.”

This is groundbreaking technology for keeping us healthier, longer.

Get curious about it! It just might surprise you if you are willing to try it.

Reach out to me if you would like to try them. I sell the patches wholesale! I trust they can help you feel better.

All of this information can be found at

Easiest Thing I've Ever Done For My Health

“When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this—you haven’t.” Thomas Edison

We have been wearing the X39 patch for four months now and we both have seen incredible results in this short amount of time. Greatly reduced anxiety and depression, much better sleep, way less aches and pains in joints, relief of digestive cramping and menstrual cramping, relief of headaches, relief of severe constipation, relief of strains and sprains, greater collagen production (strong, long nails), and more!

If you feel that you have exhausted all of the possibilities for healing your body, remember this—you haven’t! The technology in the X39 patch is based on light therapy, and it is helping people all over the globe to reclaim their health and wellbeing.

I said to Travis yesterday, "This is the easiest thing I have ever done for my body and I have seen so many benefits in just four months! I literally stick a patch on my body in the morning and forget about it." That is it. No medications. No appointments. No invasive protocols. No discomfort!

It might do great things for you, too!

X39 Patch As An Answer To Prayer

For twenty years, this was my prayer:

“Please let my recovery be for all people.”

I had no idea how my healing could be for everyone, but I kept praying and asking for this, even though the prayer felt far beyond what was possible.

Deep down I just knew that my health journey was not in vain. I knew that something bigger than I could imagine was behind it all.

Yet how could someone else—anyone else—become well from the particular thing that would help me become well?

In faith, I kept praying this exact prayer.

The answer I kept getting was “light”, or “let the light come through you”.

Fast forward to summer 2023. I had been incredibly sick for twenty years.

My friend Cindy called me and said that she had been using a patch that was based on light therapy, and thought it might help me. I learned that the patch reflected the body’s own infrared light waves back into the body, leading to biochemical and bioelectrical shifts in the body.

This patch had helped my friend (who had very different health concerns than me) feel better. The testimonials she shared with me about other people’s experience with the patch was mind-blowing.

I shared with her the prayer that I had been praying for so long, the prayer that the thing that would help me feel better would be a blessing to everyone, and that it had something to do with light.

We both got goosebumps.

Could this light therapy patch help not only me, but everyone, feel better?

I was going to find out!!

A few days later, I got the patches in the mail. I held one up to my aching thyroid. Relief. I held it up to my aching head. Relief.

Tears streamed down my face.

Could this BE?


I sat for a very long time, holding the past 20 years of debilitating illness, together with the unending hope of restoration, and now with a possible answer.

I had tried so much.

I was so weary of the journey.

Travis was so weary of the journey.

I remembered the words I had received for years in prayer, “Let the light come through you”, as the tears continued to come.

To let hope be born again in me, after so many years of dashed hopes, felt very vulnerable. But I had no choice. I opened up to the possibility of something bigger than myself.

For the past four months I have been using the X39 patch and have experienced incredible results.

Now I must say that I have the most sensitive constitution of *anyone* I know, so my response to the patches has been very pronounced and very significant. Many people feel subtle shifts, and over a longer period of time, but some of us feel the improvements right away. This is important to keep in mind if you choose to use the patch in your wellness routine.

Either way, the x39 patch helps a variety of people, with a variety of concerns, to optimize their health and feel vibrant again.

This is my LifeWave x39 light therapy patch journey. It is not just for me. It is for you, too.

I believe that light will bring healing to us all.

Now I am in the light therapy business, and I sell these patches. I believe that most anyone can benefit from the wellness technology that I offer.

Reach out to me if you would like to try the patches for yourself. It just might be the answer you’ve been looking for.

With love,


X39 Can Help With Depression

A blog post from Travis:

Back in 2018 I completed my PhD at a university in Amsterdam, a process that took 5 years alongside teaching full-time in the *other* Holland. It was the culmination of a dream planted in me 13 years earlier in my first Hebrew class in the Fall of ‘05. I expected to be relieved and elated. Instead, I entered a long season of mild depression, heightened anxiety, and persistent fatigue.

At first I called it my post-dissertation depression, with a light-heartedness that covered for my fear that it wouldn't go away. I didn’t sleep great, had a hard time getting out of bed most days (snoozed a lot), felt disconnected from my work, broke out in a cold sweat whenever I opened my email, was generally more critical and less playful, often felt overwhelmed internally, withdrew from social interactions—especially when I didn’t know people that well. I got my work done, and often found some enjoyment from it. But I carried a heavy burden internally that I didn’t understand.

I processed it a lot with my spiritual director. I listened to it, tried to befriend it and learn from it. Which I did. And it persisted. It would ebb and flow in intensity, but it was always present to me, whether or not it was visible to others.

Sometime this past June, Mariah and I began exploring the x39 and other patches from LifeWave. I didn’t notice many changes over the first month, to be honest. But then sometime in late July I began to realize that I was sleeping better, wasn’t hitting snooze at all when the alarm went off (regardless of how many hours I slept), woke up quicker, felt more connected to my work, was more enthusiastic about life and less stressed and overwhelmed. I reconnected with my playfulness. I started playing basketball again after several years off.

Over the last couple of months I’ve felt like a new person, like I received my life back from myself; like I’d put it in a locker and forgotten about it for 5 years, then stumbled on the note where I scribbled the padlock code.

I’m not really a rah rah kind of advocate for things, but I do believe in the research behind the patches, and the results we’ve experienced from them over the past 3 months or so, especially when accompanied by other beneficial life practices (like Sabbath and spiritual direction, for example).

If you or someone you know struggles with restorative sleep, or feels a general kind of blandness or malaise they can’t explain, or has a vague notion they’re only living part of their life and they’d like to find a way to increase their vitality, these patches might be able to help. I can’t promise they will. But I can say that I was mildly depressed for several years, and I’m not anymore. And for that I’m really thankful.