Liberate your stem cells, and your life narrative

I am in the business of liberating things.

It is my aim to liberate us (humans) from the relationship we have to time/work/identity. This liberation is found in the Sabbath practice that Travis and I have cultivated over the past 17 years.

It is my aim to liberate us from the narratives we tell ourselves—about our past and our future—narratives that perpetuate shame and “not enoughness”. This liberation is coming together in the Jubilee Journal I am creating, based on Isaiah 58 (living a Sabbath life). It is time to tell ourselves new stories about ourselves, and new stories about others.

It is my aim to liberate the dormant stem cells of those who want a better quality of life, so that they can do what they came here to do, which is to create and to love and to serve. This liberation is supported by wearing and sharing about the phototherapy technology found in the X39 patch.

Liberation is no small thing.

It is everything.

The more we liberate ourselves from old ideas, old grudges, old narratives, and old beliefs about how the aging process goes, the better off we will be.