How Long Until I See Results With The X39 Patch?

How long will it take to see results with the X39 patch?

I felt significant digestive changes right away, while Travis wore the X39 patches about three months before he noticed significant changes (relief of depression and improved mood). Both of us started sleeping better within the first week, and that is quite common.

Here is a general timeline for what to expect when you are using the patches. The deeper, regenerative shifts begin to happen around the 3 to 6 month mark, and continue to go deeper as you go along.

This is not a quick-fix, but a slow-and-steady sort of approach to wellness.

While you may experience immediate relief of discomfort, many of the deeper rewards are discovered several months in to using the patches.

What to expect:

The First Few Days

4,000 Genes Begin to Reset

Within 24 hours the x39 patch begins to reset 3,000-4,000 genes to a younger healthier state. People using the x39 patches will experience an immediate effect through elevation of antioxidants, a decrease in inflammation, an increase in energy and joy.

Within 1-3 Months

Physical Changes Occur

Activating your cells with light (your own infrared light is reflected back to you by the patch), leads to an increase in collagen in the skin which decreases wrinkles and increases hair growth. Even if you don’t feel the effects, rest assured, the cells that are being activated may be regenerating an internal organ or tissue before repairing something you feel.

Within 3-6 Months

Active Cell Repair

Deep healing is happening in your body, at the cellular level, and your body is repairing damage caused by the aging process.

Within 6-12 months

Reverse Aging

“In a recent study, 14 out of 15 people lowered their vascular age by an average of 8 years after just 6 months of using X39.”

This is groundbreaking technology for keeping us healthier, longer.

Get curious about it! It just might surprise you if you are willing to try it.

Reach out to me if you would like to try them. I sell the patches wholesale! I trust they can help you feel better.

All of this information can be found at