Strong, Long Nails Using The X39 Patch!

For years I took the highest quality collagen and gelatin supplements. My nails *never* grew strong.

Look at my nails now! These photos were taken 8 weeks apart. The first photo was taken on the day I started using the x39 patch. The second photo was taken after 8 weeks of using the patch.

My nails are now strong! They are not peeling. They are not flimsy. They grow faster than they have ever grown!

Now I actively have to cut my nails because I want to play my guitar and I can’t play with long nails!

As a note: I have not taken collagen supplements or had bone broth for a couple years now, so this change is all happening from within my body! The supplements and bone broth gave me major digestive issues, which is why I stopped taking them.

Collagen keeps our bodies elastic as we age. It also plays a big role in brain health, gut health, joint health, and bone health. Every nutritionist and doctor I have seen in the last 15 years has put me on collagen supplements and has had me drink bone broth. Yet I never had gut improvement and I never saw my nails grow strong.

Since wearing the X39 patch, I have strong nails and my digestion is MUCH better! These are just two of the many improvements I have experienced since I started with the patch just 4 months ago!

This patch is revolutionizing the way we do healthcare! It can help your body do things you never thought it could do on its own!

If you are taking collagen supplements and are not seeing results, if you are in daily discomfort for any reason, if you want to enjoy life’s journey, then try these patches!

Reach out! Ask questions! Get curious about the options you have for restoring your vitality!



To purchase the X39 patches at wholesale pricing, visit this link. It will take you directly to my LifeWave store.