Mariah West

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Dramatic health improvements on the patches

This is my mother-in-law’s face. She is 75 years old. She wears the X39, X49, and Aeon patches every day. She started wearing SP6 and some other patches around the 3 month mark.

Isn’t the improvement dramatic? WOW! I think she looks ten years younger. This is why it is SO important to take before and after photos while you wear the patches. Things change slowly, and you don’t even notice it.

This is what she wrote about her patching experience:

“I have been wearing patches from a company called LifeWave for the past 5 months. The X39 patch captures the body’s natural infrared light, which activates stem cell production and elevates copper peptides in the body, with amazing results! I’m not discounting the traditional medical treatments for most of my issues – physical therapy, chiropractor, pain medication, etc. I tried them all for years! But these patches have brought life-changing miracles into my life without putting anything into my body! I have been dealing with poor sleep for most of my adult life, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue for over 20 years, sciatica, knee and shoulder pain for 10 years. After all, I’m 75 years old and that’s all a “normal part of aging, right!” Well, not necessarily! I have discovered that we don’t have to accept all those negative effects of our aging bodies!

Here is a list of what I have experienced in the past 5 months just from wearing non-transdermal patches:

Significantly Improved sleep

Dramatically increased energy

Reduced inflammation

Knee pain is gone

Shoulder tendonitis is gone

Sciatica in left leg is gone

Back and neck pain is gone

I am off all prescription pain medicine for Fibromyalgia

Stomach pain and constipation issues are gone

Digestion has improved

Varicose veins are gone

Weight loss

Skin is softer, dark spots fading, and wrinkles are less obvious

These patches are truly amazing. They are a slow, deep, regenerative process. There are many other success stories that are even more dramatic than mine! I have decided to start selling the patches wholesale! If you are interested in more information about the patches, please let me know.

The photos are from end of Sept 2023, end of Dec 2023 (3 month mark), end of Feb 2024 (5 month mark).”

Get some for yourself! These patches might really improve your quality of life!