Mariah West

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One year of wearing LifeWave patches!

One-year mark of wearing the patches!

Here are all of the amazing things we have seen happen over the past 365 days of wearing the patches.

Within first 3 months:

Better sleep

More energy

Less anxious

Less brain fog

Less joint pain

Complete reversal of chronic constipation

Reduced allergies

Improved digestion

Menstrual relief

Pain relief (after surgery)

More flexible body

Nails growing long and strong (first time ever)

Skin very smooth (Mariah) (much more collagen in skin)

Skin not burning in the sun so quickly. Skin tans easier.

Three-month mark:

Travis not depressed anymore

Travis got in basketball shape easier than ever before

Trav’s canker sores not developing into debilitating sores. He still would get them, but not as bad as before.

We both started to feel more connected with our work, more enthusiastic about life.

ZERO back pain.

Five-month mark:

Trav’s facial skin and back skin quality improved greatly by this point. NO back acne anymore.

ZERO dandruff (Travis had severe dandruff and nothing helped it until the X39 patch)

No longer sick in my dreams

We could finally sleep in the same bed, as I had healed so much and was sleeping so much better

We had the best academic semester we have ever had as a couple. Usually it is extremely stressful/exhausting when school starts up for Travis, but this year it was much better. It was still very full, but much more peaceful.

Six-month mark:

We added X49, and my hair began to visibly regrow within the next two months.

We started to cook together, as my diet had expanded enough to cook and eat together

We went out to eat together! This was huge for me.

Eight-month mark:

My body reached a healthy weight (not underweight)

We had friends over for dinner. This was impossible before.

Starting to drink water (this was also impossible for me before, as my gut was not handling water or liquids for years). This took months to resolve, but it started at the eight-month mark.

Eleven-month mark:

Hair finally thick and healthy. This is after wearing the X49 along with the X39 for the past 5 months. (I had lost 80 percent of my hair a year prior to this point from a mold exposure). At this point, it had mostly grown back.

Vision had dramatically improved. My eye doctor was amazed. I noticed that my vision started to change around the three month mark, but I didn’t have my eye exam until the eleven month mark. I had to get new glasses and new contacts, as my vision prescription had gone down an entire step.

The Energy Enhancer patches replaced the need for Travis to drink coffee.

One-year mark:

I drink water and liquids now. This is amazing, as I had not been able to drink plain liquids for years, and my hydration was obtained through foods, and a small amount of thickened liquids.

A pinched nerve in Trav’s foot is now 90 percent better.

Our quality of life has *greatly* improved over the past year. We both feel much more alive, healthy, and happy. My health has improved dramatically over the last 12 months, and continues to improve.

We are beyond grateful.

Join us in celebrating all of these amazing things that have happened because of the X39 and X49 patches!

These patches are light therapy patches. They have no contraindications. Nothing absorbs into your skin. They simply reflect your own infrared light (as seen on a night vision camera) back to your body at a certain wavelength and this creates biochemical changes in the body. It’s so easy. For me, it is the most effective thing I have ever done for my health, and that is saying a LOT! I was desperately ill for over 20 years. It is no exaggeration to say that these patches have changed my life.

When you regenerate your own stem cells, your body knows how to heal itself!

Want to regenerate your own stem cells? I will get you going! This is my business, and I am here to help you be the most vibrant version of yourself that you can be!