Mariah West

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Healing is possible with light therapy

Healing is possible.

The kind that makes pursuing your dreams and passions a reality again.

The kind that lets you hang out with friends and family again.

The kind that is easy, not complicated or painful or depleting or expensive.

This light therapy patch (the X39 patch) is the easiest and most effective form of therapy I have done in over 20 years. That is saying a lot, because I was very sick for two decades, went to 70 doctors, huge clinics, did all the medications and diets and protocols…and still was very unwell.

Over the past year of wearing the X39 and other LifeWave patches, I have had more physical healing than in the last 20 years combined.

If you have a physical or mental health issue that you are struggling with, try the X39 patch. I trust it can help you in ways that other modalities haven’t been able to.

You don’t have to live with all of the aches and pains, the anxiety and depression, the brain fog and poor sleep. Empower your body to do its thing better.

Get started on the X39 patch today.

Reach out. I’m here to help you! It is my deep joy to share this technology with the world.