Mariah West

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Hair regrowth after mold exposure

A year ago, 80 percent of my hair fell out after a significant mold exposure. It was astonishing. It just fell out in clumps. I have a genetic issue called CIRS, and it is an issue with detoxing from mold and biochemicals. Things like massive hair loss can occur when I am exposed to toxins. This was one of the most dramatic hair loss experiences I have ever had in regards to mold. I was not sure my hair would ever grow back.

After wearing the X39 and X49 patches for the past 12 months, my hair has had phenomenal regrowth. It’s still filling in, but WOW, it seems like a miracle.

This is the sort of thing that the patches can do. Things you never thought could reverse can be reversed when your stem cells are active and moving throughout your body.

Know that these changes take months. The changes don’t happen overnight. As you can see, I had to add a support patch to the X39 patch. That’s when the hair regrowth really clicked for me. I wore the X39 for six months, and then I added the X49 patch. Honestly, I would have added the X49 sooner if I knew how much it would help. (As a note, the X49 patch is also for endurance, stamina, muscle growth, and bone growth. It also has promising research behind the peptide it elevates —AHK-cu—regarding dementia.)

If you have any health issue that is bothering you, I trust these patches can help. Reach out. I’m here to help.