Mariah West

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Detoxing with Glutathione patches

This is one of the most effective acupuncture points for detoxing the body.

I wear a glutathione patch here if I feel like I am getting a cold, or if I have been around people who have a cold. It’s a great patch to have on hand during the fall and winter months, when colds are more prevalent.

Glutathione patches boost your natural glutathione production by 300 percent within 24 hours. This has been confirmed through clinical trials, via blood tests.

Raising the body’s own glutathione levels 300 percent in 24 hours is very impressive, considering that oral glutathione raises glutathione levels by only about 15 percent in the span of one month.

Glutathione is one of the body’s main antioxidants. It boosts your immune system and helps your body detoxify more effectively.

Glutathione is one of the main supplements that I took when I was first diagnosed with CIRS (mold and biotoxin illness, a genetic disorder) at Cleveland Clinic in 2016.

Now my body can produce its own glutathione via light therapy patches, which is both much more effective and also more affordable than taking oral glutathione each month.

I also use the glutathione patch on my stomach to help with my digestive “fire”. This patch has been incredibly helpful for me when I have lost my appetite (which used to be 100 percent of the time, until I started wearing the patches). I discovered this use by placing the glutathione patch over my stomach when I was having a bad stomach ache one day.

This is also a great patch to wear if you are experiencing detox at the beginning of your patching journey. Some people have more detox than others when they start wearing the patches, and this patch can assist in detoxing the body more effectively.

These patches have made a huge difference in my quality of life! I sell these patches wholesale. I recommend starting with the X39 stem cell regeneration patch and trying additional patches from there. That’s the most effective way of patching.

How do the patches work?

These patches are a form of light therapy technology, or photobiomodulation.

Nothing absorbs into your skin.

Your own infrared light is reflected back to your body via the patch, and when this light hits your skin, your body responds by producing a certain peptide. This peptide has beneficial properties within your body, and ultimately your body responds by producing glutathione, in this case.

Reach out! Let’s get you healthier from the inside out!