Mariah West

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Detox when starting the X39 patch

This was me for the first 8 weeks I was wearing the X39 patch.

Lest you think that the patch is all sunshine and rainbows, it can lead to a lot of uncomfortable symptoms for some people at first.

The great thing is, I was experiencing more energy in general, much better sleep quality at night, huge shifts in digestion, and way less anxiety.

I just needed huge (3 to 4 hour) naps every day, because my body was changing so rapidly.

After sharing patches with many people over the past 9 months, I have seen that this same thing happen to other people. I have learned that it is common to experience detox at first.

Some people experience nearly nothing for months before they notice shifts. Some people see positive results with zero detox. Some people have a period of significant detox, and it can last for several months.

We all respond differently to phototherapy, and that’s okay. The detox symptoms do not last. The important thing is to not give up too soon, because you may miss the beautiful benefits that you will reap in the long run.

If you are ready to give the X39 patch a try, reach out! I’m here to help! And if you do have detox, I can walk you through it.