Mariah West

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A Bit About My Journey

Our health journeys can be *so* tough.

Sometimes they can feel downright brutal.

To be honest, mine has fallen mostly in the brutal category for the last 20 years.

Sharing what we have gone through can be a big part of the healing process, and it can also really help others who are going through a tough time. We need each other, and we need each other’s stories, so I will share some of my journey here, as a source of hope for those who are in a very dark place.

Please share this with anyone you know who is going through the depths in their own health journey. It just might get them through another day, and it might give them the hope they so desperately need.

In 2003, on our honeymoon, I was diagnosed with mononucleosis. What we thought would be a couple week recovery, ended up being a 20-year-long journey through a medical jungle.

Here are just a few of the things I tried in order to recover my health.

I tried every diet. (gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, fat-free, low FODMAP, low-histamine, low-oxalate, ayurvedic diets, paleo, AIP paleo, keto, carnivore, raw carnivore (2 full years), raw milk only (for a full 40 days, I only consumed raw milk, and then I drank raw milk with just a few other foods added for many years after that), the rainbow diet, the autoimmune Diet, elemental diets, the Maker’s Diet, bone broth diets, nourishing traditions diet, GAPS, vegetarian diets, and so many more I can’t even write them all down!)

I saw 70 doctors.

We spent well over $100,000 in out-of-pocket medical costs.

I went to Cleveland Clinic Center For Functional Medicine and saw the top doctors in the country.

I have had every kind of procedure and have done every sort of protocol you can imagine.

I worked with a fecal specialist and almost did an at-home fecal transplant, using Travis’s stool as my transplant source. I also could have travelled to London for this, and it would have cost 15 to 20,000 dollars out-of-pocket.

I went to every type of acupuncturist I could find.

My husband and I lived with his mom for 2 years so I could have someone to take me to appointments and help me with things.

I did extensive neuroplasticity work (brain retraining) to help my body and brain communicate better.

I saw many psychotherapists, and often I went twice a week.

I tried antidepressants, antianxiety meds, antispasmodic meds, antacids, and much more.

I owned an infrared sauna and used it daily.

I did all sorts of red light therapy.

I was trained in HeartMath.

I worked extensively with a breathwork practitioner.

I structured my water.

I went to many healing conferences and was prayed over.

I did hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

I did not drink water for three years.

I strongly considered being a breatharian.

We sold or threw away *absolutely everything* we owned and moved out West to live in a different climate where I could heal, away from mold. We sold our home and everything in it. We sold our car, threw away or donated all of my artwork, all of our books, all of our clothing, and my wedding dress. We threw away all our childhood and college photos. Everything was gone. The only things we kept were our wedding rings.

And these are just *some* of the things I did in order to get well.

Friends, THIS is why I’m so pumped about this x39 patch I’m using. It’s noninvasive. It’s easy. It enables my body to do its own thing better. It’s affordable.

Compared to everything I mentioned above, this patch is a dream! It’s not hard or frustrating to wear the patch. I have access to the patch. I don’t have to leave the country to get it. Nothing absorbs into my skin. It has no contraindications. It feels good to wear it. I am getting incredible results!

Share this with people you know who could benefit from my story. This truly might change their life.

Please contact me with any questions you have.

If you want to learn more about the X39 patch, go to

If you are ready to order some patches and try them for yourself, click here. A three month trial (Silver package) is the recommended place to begin.

You CAN get well.

Your body CAN heal.

I am sure of this.